
Artemis 1 mission breaks record for farthest human-rated spacecraft

The uncrewed Orion spacecraft has traveled farther from Earth than any human-rated spacecraft
The uncrewed Orion spacecraft has traveled farther from Earth than any human-rated spacecraft

NASA's Artemis 1 mission notched up a new record today when it reached the farthest distance from Earth achieved by a human-rated spacecraft, breaking the previous record set by Apollo 13 on April 15, 1970. At about 4 pm EST, the uncrewed Orion spacecraft reached a distance of 268,563 miles (432,200 km) from Earth, as it sent back images that included the craft, the Earth, and the Moon in one shot.

Today's event also marked the halfway point for the 25.5-day Artemis 1 mission as Orion traverses a distant retrograde orbit around the Moon that has taken it beyond the Lagrange 2 point where the gravitational pull of the Earth and Moon balance one another out. According to NASA, as of 8:00 pm EST, the spacecraft was 268,457 miles (432,000 km) from Earth and 43,138 miles (69, 420 km) from the Moon, and was traveling at 1,679 mph (2,702 km/h).

Despite minor problems, including a loss of communications for less than an hour, Artemis 1 is performing better than expected, with NASA engineers cancelling an orbital maintenance burn because the Orion capsule is remaining precisely on trajectory. Meanwhile, NASA’s Exploration Ground Systems team and the US Navy are making preparations for the mission's splashdown in the Pacific Ocean, which is scheduled for December 11.

"Because of the unbelievable can-do spirit, Artemis 1 has had extraordinary success and has completed a series of history making events," said NASA Administrator Bill Nelson. "It’s incredible just how smoothly this mission has gone, but this is a test. That’s what we do – we test it and we stress it."

Source: NASA

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Mark T.
The farthest human-rated spacecraft? Is NASA or Lockheed/Boeing really that desperate for a win here? Over $40B spent and all we have to show for it is the farthest human-rated spacecraft with nobody on-board that barely exceeded Apollo 13's distance record by 8%. What a bunch of media-supported hype. This hardware was supposedly built to carry people. Come back when an actual record is set with living people who are returned safely to Earth.
Nelson Hyde Chick
I would image why would anyone want their project to be linked to Apollo 13?