
New model suggests dark matter is made of electrically charged particles

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According to a new model, dark matter may be composed of clusters of electrically charged particles bound by a yet-unknown strong interaction
According to a new model, dark matter may be composed of clusters of electrically charged particles bound by a yet-unknown strong interaction
Dark matter interacts weakly with ordinary matter, as observed in the gravitational effect it has on large clusters of galaxies

Scientists at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) believe that dark matter may be composed of electrically charged particles that are bound by a yet-unknown force and have somehow managed to escape detection. The theory could be verified with the help of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) particle accelerator.

Dark matter makes up over 80 percent of the mass in our universe, but we know little about its nature. Astrophysicists know it must exist from its gravitational effects on large clusters of galaxies, but they have been unable to spot it because this elusive substance interacts weakly with both ordinary matter and itself. In fact, so little is known about dark matter that scientists are still speculating as to what it's even made of.

Through a combination of computer simulations and theoretical results, researchers Pavlos Vranas and colleagues have now developed a "stealth dark matter" model that could help unravel the mystery of why dark matter behaves like it does, what particles make it up, and what force binds them. Crucially, the model offers assumptions that physicists should be able to test using CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) particle accelerator.

The stealth dark matter model predicts that dark matter is stable, but also produces large quantities of electrically charged, unstable nuclear particles. These short-lived particles, now long decayed, would have left a definite mark in the very early universe, with the extremely high plasma temperatures forcing them to interact with ordinary matter.

"These interactions in the early universe are important because ordinary and dark matter abundances today are strikingly similar in size, suggesting this occurred because of a balancing act performed between the two before the universe cooled," says Vranas.

Dark matter interacts weakly with ordinary matter, as observed in the gravitational effect it has on large clusters of galaxies

As temperatures slowly dropped, dark matter would have then started to bond under the influence of a new and still unknown form of strong interaction, growing into electrically neutral clusters several hundred times heavier than a proton.

According to the Vranas and colleagues, the LHC is powerful enough to roll back the clock and reproduce the conditions that would have led to the crucial early interaction between dark matter and ordinary matter. Though the charged particles wouldn't be observed directly, the world's largest particle accelerator could detect a telltale electrical signature that would validate this theory.

Dark matter is currently thought to be completely inert to electromagnetic radiation, so it would be remarkable to discover that it is in fact composed of electrically charged particles which have somehow managed to avoid detection.

A paper describing the advance will be published in an upcoming edition of the journal Physical Review Letters.

Source: LLNL

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Brian Tray
99.9 percent of the visible universe is plasma. The universe is an electromagnetic phenomenon. Gravity as well is an electromagnetic process. "Dark matter" is most likely plasma in the dark mode (there are 3 modes of plasma: dark, glow, and arc). All new radio telescope data is supporting the fact that stars and galaxies form due to electromagnetic forces. Massive galactic sized magnetic fields and intergalactic flow of charged particles (electric current) have been documented. These intergalactic currents are responsible for the vast magnetic fields found in deep space. Only electric current generates magnetic fields. The entire field of cosmology will need to be revised. Gravity based theories have remained unproven and unobserved. The concepts of black holes, dark matter, dark energy, neutron stars and the big bang will need to be discarded. The sciences of plasma physics and electrical engineering will need to be mastered for one to evaluate the latest findings from radio telescopes.
Raven Bo
I would say it is multidimensional universe that is only connected by gravity.
Because it’s the mathematical logic of the mirror, “Esoptrics” (from a Greek word for mirror) is the name I give to the cosmological theory I’ve been honing since 1957. Based on doubling/mirroring (every mirror’s fundamental behavior) and 3 kinds of progression inferred thereby, it’s the key to history’s only ALGEBRAIC (and thus purely abstract vs. Geometry’s & sense imagery’s pictorial) model of the Universe. It claims to be the only theory to describe (and in much detail and with mathematical precision to boot) the ultimate constituents from whose COLLECTIVE behavior arises what sense imagery & Geometry give us, namely: a merely apparent kind of time & merely apparent kind of space radically different from what they are at their ultimate ultramicroscopic level. It’s the same as how a bowling ball’s solidity arises from the COLLECTIVE properties of atoms radically different individually from the individual bowling balls they compose.
Compare with pg. 471 of the Feb. 2005 Vintage Books paperback edition of Prof. Brian Greene’s “The Fabric Of The Cosmos” where he states “we’ve yet to identify” the “more fundamental constituents” from whose “collective behavior” arise the characteristics of “familiar space and time” (See also his pgs. 6, 335, 350-352, 486 & 493). It’s a claim he makes because he knows nothing of Esoptrics and its way of identifying those “more fundamental constituents” far more extensively than any other theory does --- a claim justified if only by its description of what, in the “Big Bang”, did bang how and why.
On page 350, he writes of “the fabric of space” as perhaps being, on the Planck scale (i.e.: 10^-33 cm.), akin --- METAPHORICALLY of course --- to a “lattice or grid” between the lines of which space would be “outside the bounds of physical reality.” Only Esoptrics’ algebraic model of the Universe explains exactly why (though at 7.35x10^-47 cm.) Prof. Greene’s metaphor ideally illustrates figuratively what “the fabric of space” is ultimately in a Universe in which, ultimately, everything’s description is in Algebra’s purely logical & abstract terms rather than in sense imagery’s & Geometry’s 3 dimensional pictures. Yes, Esoptrics, too, uses Geometry’s drawings, but only as a teaching aid.
Until the issue of the “ultramicroscopic makeup of space, time and matter” (Greene pg. 493) is settled, it's never possible to be even so little as REASONABLY sure what's coming from this-or-that theoretical physicist regarding what’s ULTIMATELY REAL is not merely a repeat of the old story of the 3 blind men each experiencing too little of the elephant to get an accurate grasp of what's confronting him. In explaining how familiar time and space arise from the COLLECTIVE EFFECT of c. 10^464 unique sets of REAL RELATIONS (each by its makeup giving itself a unique logical location in a septuplex framework of logical sequences) Esoptrics comes far closer to that “ultramicroscopic makeup” than any other theory does.
Brian a very clear statement of what astrophysics should be considering, as the best alternative to the dead-end gravity-only universe syndrome. Science ceases when only one idea overrules all other possibilities; it becomes a 'religion' and it's time someone sacked the high priests and got real!
We have been misled for too long, and we have let our defences down. Our technology is now vulnerable to civilisations who mastered the plasma universe power/ transport system eons ago. We are sitting ducks folks!
David Carlson
Molecular hydrogen and helium at circa 10 Kelvins is sufficiently stealthy below Lyman-alpha UV frequencies to explain dark matter (DM) if the luminous stellar metallicity has snowed out to the solid state of icy chondrules. This suggests that giant molecular clouds (GMCs) come in two states, an invisible 'normal state', and a luminous 'excited state', where only the GMCs on the lowest-inclination orbits to the disk plane receive sufficient stellar radiation to sublime icy chondrules, rendering the clouds opaque and thus visible.
Baryonic DM, however, requires the sequestration of 4/5 of the baryons into direct collapse proto(spiral)galaxies during the epoch of big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN), when hydrogen fusion and helium fission reactions were in thermal equilibrium, resulting in the measured intergalactic (un-sequestered) baryon density. Then early baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) compressions caused isothermal (runaway) gravitational collapse, mediated by endothermic helium fission. Then 'BBN rebound' within proto(spiral)galaxies merely extended the epoch of BBN into proto-galaxies at the EXACT same pressure and temperature as 'primary BBN', creating the EXACT same lithium and deuterium to hydrogen ratios.
Then at the epoch of recombination, when ionization/recombination reactions were in thermal equilibrium, nearly-isothermal BAO compressions, mediated by endothermic hydrogen ionization, created direct collapse gravitationally-bound (Bok) globules, the suggested DM reservoirs in today's universe, with most globules clumped into cloaked GMCs in steeply-inclined halo orbits.
What's more, the typical specific angular momentum of direct collapse spiral galaxies can be explained by fractional condensation of early (spherically symmetrical) BAO compressions.
And stellar radiation induced sublimation of icy chondrules in GMCs of the disk plane raises the average gaseous molecular weight of Bok globules which increases the 'sound crossing time' through Bok globules, inducing Jeans instability (gravitational collapse), converting DM GMCs to star clusters in the disk plane, thus dismissing the 'cuspy halo problem' of WIMP models if DM converts to star clusters in galaxy cores.
Well put Brian!!!!
It's time we moved on from the antiquated theories that view the cosmos as electrically neutral and driven only by gravity. Everything is electric from sub atomic particles all the way up to galaxies. It's obvious even to the layman that mainstream cosmology is on the wrong track. When a simple google search of "scientists baffled" nets you 300,000 articles you have pretty much all of the evidence you need.
I believe charged particles (plasma) and electrical forces can explain the universe as observed. Enough with the dark matter already.
Brilliant Petekk, you absolutely lost me in the first paragraph. You have so enriched my enlightenment, lol.
Johnny Partain
I used to read a lot of theory, mostly based on empirical data modeled by some algebraic symmetry including some kind of correction or describing factor. While I admire the reasoning and the accuracy of practical quantum theories, I've tired of self serving theories whose only existence seems to be to validate themselves without adding actual knowledge (science is political and self serving). Many theorists get away with this since most people can't follow. Dark matter? Please stop it!!! Notice that the most elemental theories of matter and time lack any substantive description for the character of space itself. Its self evident that space has the character of storing energy and of communicating, instantly and everywhere, the storage of energy - additionally indicating non-linearity and multiple dimensions. Knowing this I can't understand how anyone could even subscribe to a singular big bang theory but in the most simplistic scenario. Having some insight to the character of space and the flow of energy, its easy to see the relationship of all forces without invoking a single particle.
I have seen some tv show with that Tyron or something like that on some TV and he said that if we look at the galaxy and compare it to the planetary system that is what dark mater is. Because, the stars move on some speed that is unexpected. However, if you put many cherries in the bucket and then you start spinning from the center with your finger and then you let them spin some more, they will behave like stars in galaxy. It looks like that comparing of stars in galaxy and planet system is not correct on its core. Ergo sum, product, division, some operations it looks like they have been wrong and that case it just wrong model ...