A recent study done showed that over53% of adults in the US have one or more tablets in their home. Butyou know what they don't have?
A good way to hold it.
Let's be real. Tablets are great formobile gaming, web browsing, bashing your rival team on Twitter,whatever you want to use them for. But they're NOT great forholding. One hand just doesn't feel secure. Two hands feelscumbersome. And you never seem to be able to get a solid grip on it(seriously, raise your hand if you've dropped your tablet).

Then you try and get a case, maybesomething with a kickstand or one of those folding covers that turnsinto a stand. And you break the kickstand off while holding it. Oryou realize that your hands don't hold a triangle shape all thatwell and half the time, the tablet is trying to fall back overanyway.
We have some good news though. Greatnews, even! Indiegogo has this stellar new product they're runningright now. It's called Stick Tab and it does exactly what it says…it sticks… to a tablet.
The adhesive doesn't use glue ortransferable adhesives. You won't need to wash your hands if youtouch it. And if it gets dirty, soap and water clean it right off.
It switches between devices easily, soit's never permanent. And the handle is sweet. Ergonomicallydesigned with a rotating head so that you can adjust the tablethowever you need.

And if that wasn't enough for you,the handle itself has a USB port for charging the tablet back up orconnecting your phone (if you're anything like me, you're usingyour tablet because your phone died and you're too lazy to go plugthe phone in. Admit it).
Your hand will thank you, your tabletwill thank you, and your battery life will thank you. It's time toquit dealing with that awkward flip case or the cumbersome kickstandcases. Grab a Stick Tab. Pop it on when you're using the tablet,pop it off when you're done, and never drop that tablet again!
Learn more here.