Microsoft needs mobile. Though the company will continue to profit from Windows and Office, its long-term prosperity depends on smartphones and tablets. Gaming and mobile go hand-in-hand, and Microsoft has an iconic gaming brand in Xbox. There's an opportunity here, and apparently Microsoft knows it.
According to The Verge, Microsoft is planning a 7-inch Xbox Surface tablet. It would run a custom version of Windows, and would focus on gaming. It will probably run a custom ARM processor, and carry plenty of RAM for maximum horsepower.
Long-term thinking
This could be a smart move. Xbox is a household name. With the right combination of hardware and software, Microsoft could use one of its biggest strengths to transition into mobile. Even if the device was 90 percent focused on gaming, it plants seeds in customers' minds: Microsoft, Surface, great tablet.
What Microsoft needs is a halo effect. Make one iconic mobile device, and it's much easier to make more. Look at Apple: iPod paved the way for iPhone, which paved the way for iPad. Now the once-struggling company has a $117 billion war chest.
Much is unknown about this tablet, and a million things could go wrong. Do you think Microsoft is onto something here? Drop us a line in the comments.
Source: The Verge
There are lessons for Microsoft to learn and Google, Samsung and Apple seem to be people they can learn from. It just seems they're not interested in learning. They're kind of believing their own smoke at the moment.
It seems they need to do a bit of culture change, management change and maybe they'll have a chance.
As long as Steve is in charge I don't see that happening. I also don't see him walking away easily with his current record. He'll hang in there to try and show he has the goods. At some point Microsoft need to ask themselves is this guy up to the job.