A rice wine native to the Philippines has grabbed the attention of researchers looking into new, natural ways to slow biological aging. But it's not the wine itself – sorry – in the spotlight, but what's leftover after the liquid is ready to bottled.
Men tend to be happier with life when they're married, as many studies have identified over the last few decades. But new research shows they also become fatter. In fact, they're three times more likely to be obese than men who remained unmarried.
A 2022 study found drinking four units of alcohol a day – two beers – can cause structural damage and brain volume loss equivalent to 10 years of aging. The findings proved to be the tip of the iceberg for researchers looking at how alcohol affects our brain.
Extensive brain cell mapping has revealed that not all cell types age in the same way and that some – found in a specific ‘hot spot’ – are more sensitive to the aging process. It opens the door to developing new treatments for age-related brain diseases.
A survey of 143 low-, middle-, and high-income countries has revealed which ones are most prepared to support the world’s rapidly aging population in areas like well-being, equity, and security – and which ones aren’t. And it's not good news for the US.
Binge-drinking in early adult years fundamentally changes how brain neurons communicate, in what scientists equate to a faulty gas pedal in a car that needs more pressure applied to "go." This type of dysfunction is also seen in Alzheimer's disease.
A new soft harness system out of the Technical University of Munich works like a pair of shorts to reduce the exertion needed to walk or jog by up to 18%. The system is easy to put on and take off and holds promise for helping anyone get more mobile.
Not only have researchers identified how a common cellular protein affects aging, but they’ve tweaked the genes that produce it in fruit flies, extending healthy lifespan by 25% to 30%. The discovery opens the door to healthier aging in humans.
If you've ever woken up in the night with a painful thigh, calf or foot cramp, you'll know how disruptive this condition is – and it gets worse as we age. But there's good news out of the first human trial that used a type of vitamin K to combat it.
New research has revealed that a class of proteins possesses a previously unknown cell-protecting function that could be harnessed for healthier aging and as a treatment for age-related diseases.
Consuming an extra six serves of foods and drinks high in flavonoids – such as berries, tea, dark chocolate and, yes, red wine – could safeguard your brain in older age, with researchers finding a link between this plant component and dementia risk.
You might soon be buying anti-aging skincare products containing fish guts, thanks to a new study that found that the innards of two species of seabream possess compounds that fight wrinkles and age spots.
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