In 1959 a group of Russian hikers died under mysterious circumstances – and their story, now known as the Dyatlov Pass incident, has intrigued the world ever since. A new study, backed up by simulations, suggests a snow slab avalanche is responsible.
One of the innovative young brands that really impressed during the recent ISPO Munich show, Advenate has several multipurpose tools for backcountry snow sports. The headliner is an avalanche shovel that includes a probe in its handle and a light, compact emergency shelter in its blade.
We've seen some interesting evolutions of established avalanche safety technologies over the years, but the latest product in the category brings more flash. Using pyrotechnics, the Resero XV system blows snowboard binding straps clean off at the pull of a wearable trigger.
Researchers analyzing a freak avalanche in Tibet that killed nine people have published findings that suggest meltwater at the base of the glacier lubricated the ice on its path of destruction, meltwater that probably wouldn't have been there were it not for rising temperatures in the region.
ScienceAn advance in radar technology is promising to reveal a few more details about how avalanches behave. The new system pierces through the powder cloud to create 3D images of an avalanche's insides, helping to inform improved defences against their devastating effects.
A new smartphone app and add-on hardware component could provide an alternative to costly avalanche tranceivers that is not only cheaper than dedicated devices, but also provides additional functionality.
The smartphone is like the modern day, techy Swiss Army Knife. But it can't do everything. The Canadian Avalanche Centre says that avalanche rescue apps can not effectively replace dedicated avalanche beacons.
The UBAK Mountain Airbag Harness is one of the few avalanche airbags that protects from both suffocation and trauma.
The K2 Rescue Shovel Plus Ice Axe is a backcountry shovel built for a variety of winter emergencies and obstacles.
ScienceNestle is using research on ice crystals from an avalanche research center in Switzerland to develop a better tasting ice cream.
The North Face offers a vest with a built-in avalanche airbag system from German manufacturer ABS.
The Rotauf MK5 gives you one more tool for avalanche survival.
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