Brigham Young University
Researchers at Brigham Young University have demonstrated an inexpensive air traffic control system for drones that can effectively track multiple targets in real-time. Such systems could prevent collisions with aircraft, for not very much money.
Researchers have used AI to create a way of improving the quality and civility of online discussions regarding polarizing topics by providing users with suggestions for rephrasing their comments before they post them.
A new study has explored how physical activity at the outset of a dietary fasting period can accelerate a shift to ketosis, a metabolic state associated with the burning of stored fats and weight loss.
Although facial ID verification tech may seem pretty impressive, it can be thwarted. An experimental new system is claimed to be more foolproof, by requiring users to make specific facial movements.
A new study has examined the relationship between telomere length and intake of milk with different fat concentrations, suggesting there is a link between consumption of low-fat variants and longer telomeres that can equate to several years of aging.
Much of the world's soil is too salty for crops. There's hope, though, as scientists have developed a method of growing plants in "unusable" soil.
Just how common are potentially habitable Earth-like planets? Researchers on a new study claim to have come up with the most accurate estimate yet – and they’re more common than you might think.
Airliner toilets can be scary things. When they flush, they sound like they'd like to suck you in along with everything else. Frequent fliers can take heart, however, as scientists have created a commode system that is claimed to reduce flush noise by almost 50 percent.
New analysis of images collected by the space probe of the dwarf planet's surface has confirmed the presence of dunes. Despite being an unlikely characteristic of an icy world with little wind, scientists also believe they have an explanation of how they formed.
A study from an international team of computer scientists set out to develop a new type of game-playing algorithm one that can play games that rely on traits like cooperation and compromise – and the researchers have found that machines can already deploy those characteristics better than humans.
A team of scientists from Brigham Young University (BYU), Utah, has developed a smartfoam-based sensor system that could give NFL coaches the tools they need to catch concussions as they happen, and take appropriate action.
Diabetics are often warned against the dangers of eating too much chocolate. But it turns out that one of the treat's major components might be just the thing to help keep the disease at bay. Researchers have isolated a compound in cocoa pushes certain cells to become insulin powerhouses.
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