Chemical Weapons
Nobody wants to go anywhere near chemical or biological weapons, so the US Army is testing a robotic Autonomous Equipment Decontamination System that can decontaminate military vehicles exposed to such nastiness without putting soldiers at risk.
After over three decades of effort, the United States has destroyed the last of its chemical weapon stockpile that once consisted of 30,000 tonnes of deadly chemical agents in explosive munitions and storage containers.
Intelligent sensing technology company Teledyne FLIR has been awarded US$4 million in initial funding by the Pentagon to develop the "first mass-wearable chemical detector for U.S. troops."
DARPA has awarded contracts to FLIR Systems, Leidos, and Charles River Analytics to develop new kit to protect soldiers and responders against chemical and biological (CB) threats using lighter, more comfortable and more versatile suits.
The US Air Force has completed testing of its new face mask for helicopter and other rotary aircraft crews. The Joint Service Aircrew Mask – Rotary Wing (JSAM-RW) mask is one of five variants that will replace a whole range of masks worn by military aircrews.
Scientists have developed a fabric that not only blocks chemical warfare agents, but actively breaks them down, something they say is a step up on currently available technologies.
Drones are proving their worth in dangerous situations we don't want to expose humans to. Now a team from the US Army’s Edgewood Chemical and Biological Center have tested a new pair of unmanned vehicles that can be used to detect chemical and biological agents on the battlefield or in an attack.
The British Ministry of Defence's Porton Man isn't your average squaddie. He’s a robotic mannequin designed to test suits and equipment for the British armed forces to protect them against chemical and biological weapons.
The US DoD recently rolled out a system to rapidly deploy chemical weapons disposal facilities that could potentially be used quickly and effectively on foreign shores in the near future. The Field Deployable Hydrolysis System is a mobile system designed to destroy chemical warfare agents in bulk.