A new study is presenting a radical new theory of aging, suggesting two competing theories are actually intertwined. And even more controversially, the billions of dollars being invested in anti-aging treatments may be targeting the wrong mechanism.
Researchers at UCSF have developed a single genomic test that can quickly detect virtually any kind of pathogen in a patient. This allows for much quicker diagnoses, enables targeted treatment to begin sooner, and could lower healthcare costs.
Gathering genetic material from treetops in tropical rainforests would be a near-impossible task to perform safely by hand. That's why scientists have developed a system that allows a drone to do the job, without even touching the trees itself.
Bizarre clumps of organic matter found buried alongside Bronze Age mummies in China have now been identified as cheese. New DNA analysis has finally solved a long-standing mystery, and it makes it the oldest cheese ever found, dating back 3,600 years.
A full DNA computer is a step closer, thanks to a new technology that could store petabytes of data in DNA for thousands or even millions of years. The system can also process data, as demonstrated by solving sudoku puzzles.
If you've ever watched CSI, you'll know that suspects often leave incriminating traces of their DNA behind at crime scenes. According to a recent study, however, the amount of that genetic material could also point to a person's guilt or innocence.
If you're getting plenty of leafy greens, dark chocolate, nuts, and beans, you're probably doing fine. But if your diet is lacking, you might want to pay attention to this new eye-opening study that links a mineral deficiency issue to DNA changes.
In the event of a shark attack, it's very important to determine which shark species was responsible. A new study indicates that readily available medical gauze can be used by first responders to obtain that information.
Diet has a huge role in health and disease as we age, but making long-term changes are not easy. Now, researchers believe it only takes two months of eating differently to significantly reduce your 'biological' age across five major organ systems.
Scientists have assembled the most complete woolly mammoth genome in 3D, thanks to an incredible “freeze-dried” specimen. With its DNA preserved in a glass-like state, chromosomes were found for the first time, and even gene expression patterns.
This may be about as wildly entertaining, disruptive and philosophically profound as legitimate scientific research gets. Michael Levin's work in cellular intelligence, bioelectrical communication and embodied minds "is going to overturn everything."
In pre-clinical trials, a small molecule effectively regrew neurons, reduced inflammation, and improved memory, speed, coordination, grip strength, and more. The finding could have a profound impact on aging and the diseases that accompany it.
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