Heart Disease
A man has lived for more than 100 days with a maglev heart beating inside his chest. In a landmark moment, he was discharged earlier this year, becoming the first person in the world to leave the hospital with the device embedded in his body.
Aspartame has long been marketed as a guilt-free alternative to sugar in products like Diet Coke and sugar-free Jell-O. However, the sweetener has now been linked to an increased risk of heart attacks in mice. Should you ditch your fizzy drinks?
A new study has found that eating between one and six eggs each week significantly reduces the risk of dying from any cause but particularly from heart disease – even in people who have been diagnosed with high cholesterol levels.
Most people know that body fat stored around the midsection can spell disaster for cardiovascular health. But Harvard researchers have now discovered another problematic fat-storage location in the body that's been largely overlooked.
From fighting memory decline to warding off some cancers, drinking coffee continues to emerge as a way to improve your health. Now, a new study says that the time of day during which you drink your daily brew is key to boosting some of its effects.
A naturally occurring fat molecule reduced heart inflammation and scarring caused by diabetes, thereby improving cardiac function, according to new research. The findings open the door to developing a new treatment for diabetes-induced heart disease.
In an analysis of the sleep habits of over 72,000 people, researchers identified a particular pattern that can dramatically spike the risk of major cardiovascular problems. The good news is that the pattern is relatively easy to avoid.
Sticky plaques building up on the walls of your blood vessels can lead to heart attacks and strokes. Now, a new nanoparticle infusion therapy has been found to break down these plaques safely in tests in pigs.
Smoking, obesity, and stress. They're all common causes of damaging cardiac events. However, a just-published study says a new culprit should be added to the list of the risks that can hurt our hearts: constipation.
For the first time, the fully mechanical heart made by BiVACOR, which uses the same technology as high-speed rail lines, has been implanted inside a human being. The feat marks a major step in keeping people alive as they wait for heart transplants.
It turns out that blasting people with shockwaves during open-heart surgery is a really good idea. That's what researchers found who used the technique to reactivate heart cells and improve the post-op lives of patients in a groundbreaking study.
Close relationships with family and friends that allow discussion about personal matters reduce the risk of heart disease by up to 30%, a new study has found. The research suggests that avoiding the loneliness of social isolation is good for your heart.
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