Novel research has described the discovery of opioid antibodies produced by the immune system following chronic opioid use. The researchers suggest these antibodies may be responsible for some negative side effects seen in long-term opioid users.
A new study suggests CBD can reduce cravings and anxiety in subjects with a history of heroin use. The study doesn't imply CBD alone can help break an opioid addiction but instead points to the marijuana ingredient acting as a tool to help reduce cravings in those struggling with heroin addiction.
Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute are developing a vaccine that keeps addicts from experiencing the heroin high. The vaccine was recently proven effective on non-human primates, making it the first vaccine against an opioid to ever do so.
The ONUSblue alcohol detection patch tells you when you've reached the legal threshold and has the potential to save millions of lives. The company's product roadmap is even more interesting with the detection of marijuana, methamphetime and a range of illegal recreational substances to follow.
Heroin overdoses are typically treated using injections of a medication that resuscitates the victim. That's fine if paramedics are doing it, but not everyone feels comfortable giving someone else a needle. That's why scientists are developing a nasal spray that does the job.
Researchers have found a way to block addiction to various opioid drugs, including heroin and morphine, without negatively affecting the pain-relieving properties of these drugs.
Researchers at The Scripps Research Institute have created a vaccine that stops the high one gets from from heroin.
This fascinating article details the use of naturally-occurring psychoactive substances by the animal kingdom.