Robotics company based in Shenzhen, China. Working on a range of AI-powered robots including biped walkers, humanoids and wheeled quadrupeds.
LimX launched a versatile bipedal robot last year with modular foot ends to walk or roll around as needed. Now the company has demonstrated its agility chops by having the squat bot hop over low fencing, climb stairs and clear obstacles with aplomb.
How would you like to have your own AT-ST walker from Star Wars: Return of the Jedi? Well, the just-announced Tron 1 biped robot is the next-best thing. It's just a wee bit smaller than a walker, plus you can't ride inside of it.
You might think that having four legs with wheels on the ends would already make a robot pretty useful. China's LimX Dynamics is taking things further, however, as its W1 quadruped robot is now able to stand up and walk on two "feet."
Somebody better break it to the Ewoks: crafty log tricks aren't gonna cut the mustard. LimX Dynamics has released video of its P1 Biped – heavily inspired by the AT-ST walker from Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, taking an absolute pounding with ease.