There's newfound hope for stroke patients in recovery, with what researchers believe is the very first drug that can comprehensively deliver rehabilitation without the need for challenging long-term physical therapy.
In a major breakthrough for regenerative medicine, MIT scientists have developed a way to convert skin cells directly into brain cells extremely efficiently, without needing to go through the intermediate step of converting them to stem cells first.
The first-ever "biological computer" powered by human cells, which form an ever-learning neural network, has been launched. It's an entirely new kind of AI – Synthethic Biological Intelligence – and not even its creators can predict its full potential.
Spinal muscular atrophy is a debilitating genetic condition that’s usually fatal by a few years of age. But an intriguing case study might demonstrate a simple new treatment, with a child showing no signs at all two and a half years after birth.
Researchers at Columbia University Irving Medical Center have identified the specific neurons in mice brains that tell them they've eaten enough. This fascinating discovery could play a big role in the future of weight loss treatments for humans.
We've never been closer to accurately assessing whether someone is more susceptible to developing depression due to their biology, with 293 new gene variants found to play a role in ramping up the risk factor. That's 42% more than previously known.
A stage of sleep – reflected in the size of our pupils – is important to committing recent memories to the brain, which could be manipulated to improve cognitive function and even identify issues with being able to recall newer experiences when awake.
Two patients with spinal injuries have seen improvements in their ability to walk again, thanks to deep brain stimulation. Intriguingly, the therapy targets a region of the brain that normally isn’t associated with motor skills.
Binge-drinking in early adult years fundamentally changes how brain neurons communicate, in what scientists equate to a faulty gas pedal in a car that needs more pressure applied to "go." This type of dysfunction is also seen in Alzheimer's disease.
Memories can form outside of the brain, according to new research. Non-brain cells exposed to chemical pulses similar to the ones that brain cells are exposed to when presented with new information caused the non-brain cells to switch on a gene critical for memory formation.
Fascinating new findings uncover how clusters of 'brain stars' retain our learnings – and it changes what we previously understood about how memories are held and retrieved in our minds. The medical implications of this are vast.
By obtaining high-resolution images of Alzheimer’s disease-affected brain cells as the condition progresses, researchers have identified the specific neurons that are damaged. The information the ‘cell atlas’ provides highlights potential new treatment targets.