Northwestern University
Two innovative new developments have demonstrated that degraded cartilage can be regrown, first with 'dancing molecules' that target the protein needed for tissue regeneration, secondly with a hybrid biomaterial that stimulates cartilage growth.
Based on fractal patterns in neurons, researchers believe our brains exist at or near a state called criticality where they're extremely close to shifting from one state of matter to another. They also admit they don't know what either state is.
If you don't like getting needles or working out, this new medical wearable may be for you. It analyzes sweat instead of blood, and it doesn't require patients to generate that sweat by performing strenuous exercises.
A simple little sticker could soon be saving the lives of patients recovering from gastrointestinal surgery. The clever device is designed to detect the presence of leaking digestive fluids sooner than otherwise possible.
Researchers have successfully regenerated functional bladder tissue in a baboon using the animal’s own bone marrow cells. The findings open the door to a novel treatment for severe bladder dysfunction for which treatment is currently limited.
Researchers have created a nanotherapy that selectively targets and shuts down the immune cells responsible for causing an allergic response in mice, preventing anaphylaxis. It could be the first nanomedicine to prevent allergic reactions.
A Northwestern University team has demonstrated a remarkable new way to generate electricity, with a paperback-sized device that nestles in soil and harvests power created as microbes break down dirt – for as long as there's carbon in the soil.
Researchers at Northwestern University have developed a non-invasive wearable electronic ear that's designed to wirelessly monitor what's going on inside a patient's body in real time, and found it to perform with "clinical-grade accuracy."
Researchers have created a cream containing a souped-up, synthetic version of the free-radical-removing melanin we produce naturally to protect skin from sun damage and accelerate the healing of sunburn and chemical burns.
We know chronic poor sleep is bad for your health but for decades scientists have reported a strange phenomenon where acute sleep deprivation actually leads to elevated mood so a team of researchers set out to investigate this odd physiological sensation.
Evolution is a very slow process, due largely to the fact that nature doesn't "know" in advance which features of an animal will be beneficial. A new AI-based algorithm does know, however, allowing it to design robots within a matter of seconds.
The James Webb Space Telescope can look farther back in space and time than ever before – and it’s revealed puzzling galaxies that seem to be too advanced for their age. Now astronomers have proposed a new explanation for them – starburst galaxies.
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