Wearables don't always come in the forms of smartwatches and fitness trackers. One subgenre is wellness wearables, which promise to do things like manipulate your mood or teach you to meditate. We took a handful for a test-drive.
The follow-up to one of the most unique wearables to date, Thync Relax is a more consumer-friendly take on the original's brain-zapping, mood-shifting focus. But what was lost in the process?
Most "new" products we see are really just minor evolutions of gadgets that have been around for years. But here's one that's completely unlike anything we've used before. Meet Thync, a wearable that zaps your brain to change your mood – like a drug that replaces chemicals with technology.
One of the coolest new gizmos we tried at CES 2015 was Thync. The wearable that zaps your brain to make you feel either calm or energized (or both) is available for pre-order. We go hands-on again to test the bold new product.
If you spend the week walking the showroom floors of CES, a wearable claiming to change your mood is probably going to activate your BS sensors. But today our demo of the Thync wearable was the rare CES meeting that's everything it's pretending to be – possibly more.