
Autonomous robot invents the world's best shock absorber

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Boston University's autonomous AI robot gingerly discards it's latest plastic pancake
Boston University
Boston University's autonomous AI robot gingerly discards it's latest plastic pancake
Boston University
Boston University's autonomous AI robot's creation moments before it's demise
Boston University
Hard data from their detailed published report. The four-pointed flower-like structure on the right has an efficiency of 75%, beating the previous record of 71% efficiency in energy absorption.
Boston University
What's not to be happy about? Proud of his acheivements, Keith Brown sits amidst his BEAR creation, as happy as a ...well... clam
Boston University
Hot off the press, the autonomous AI robot is about to wisk away this design to be weighed and crushed like an old used car
Boston University
Boston University's autonomous AI robot turns engineering artwork into wafer
Boston University
MAMA BEAR works tirelessly, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Boston University
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Build, weigh, crush, measure, discard, redesign, repeat. All day, all night, never stopping. Boston College's autonomous AI robot MAMA BEAR has struck gold after three years and 25,000 attempts, with the world's most impact-resistant shape.

MAMA BEAR – which stands for Mechanics of Additively Manufactured Architectures Bayesian Experimental Autonomous Researcher – 3D prints small structures before gently placing them into a hydraulic press and crushes them. It measures the energy absorption of each little creation it makes as it flattens them into little plastic pancakes. MAMA BEAR then stores the numbers in a database, taking note of each design and its flaws or improvements before slightly modifying the design and diligently 3D printing another iteration – for the last three years straight. Over 25,000 times so far.

In doing so, MAMA BEAR has set a new efficiency world record of 75% energy absorption, shattering the previous record of 71%. The record-breaking design looks very much like nothing I could have imagined on my own; it's a sort of twisted flower-looking shape.

The robot is the brainchild of Keith Brown, an ENG associate professor of mechanical engineering, and his team in the KABlab. He came up with the idea in 2018 and by 2021, the lab was built and MAMA BEAR was off to find a design that was just right.

What's not to be happy about? Proud of his acheivements, Keith Brown sits amidst his BEAR creation, as happy as a ...well... clam
Boston University

According to Boston University's article, the robot crushes its creations "under a pressure equivalent to an adult Arabian horse standing on a quarter." I wasn't exactly sure what that meant – though it does paint a fun mental picture – so I took the liberty of converting it to hard data: The median weight of an adult Arabian horse is roughly 880 lb (400 kg). A US quarter is 0.955 inches (24 mm) around. That comes out to around 1,253 psi (86 bar). Squish. You're welcome.

So what's the point? Boston College is trying to make the most efficient mechanical energy-absorbing structure possible for a ton of different potential applications. The National Science Foundation as well as the US Army have a stake in this project. The Army is taking the data and creating a new helmet padding design for battlefield soldiers. And a 4% increase in energy absorption efficiency could literally mean the difference between life and death in such an application.

Hot off the press, the autonomous AI robot is about to wisk away this design to be weighed and crushed like an old used car
Boston University

Or these could be the new packing peanuts. New bumper designs on vehicles. Protective athletic gear. The list goes on for potential uses. It's a delicate balance of trying to create a shape and structure that isn't so hard as to damage whatever it's trying to protect, but still be strong enough to absorb whatever impact comes its way.

It's estimated that there are over a trillion possible designs in the quest for the most efficient structure – not to mention the materials used – so MAMA BEAR has barely scratched the surface of what could be possible. Boston University has been using TPE, TPU-1, 2 and 3, nylon, PETG, and PLA for its designs so far. We're looking forward to more MAMA BEAR achievements in its ongoing quest for perfection.

The team has published a detailed paper with all the scientific data backing their new record in Nature Communications.

Watch the video. It's quite satisfying:

Source: Boston University

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Get that STL on Thingiverse! LOL- GREAT work team!!!!!
There is not much innovation here except for the idea of testing actual physical models instead of digital or conceptual ones. However, the process is far more crude and simplistic than that of existing factories. What exactly is novel about it? For example, how did he compensate for the many unavoidable slight variations in production quality of each iteration? What other data is gleaned besides compression strength?
So it's not really that AI is any better at finding these designs, but rather that you don't have to pay the program to work 24/7 the way you would humans?
Not what "shock absorber" usually refers to.
How much difference is there between a 3-D printed shock absorber, and one that is injection-molded? This would be a good thing to know.
When will the next generation motor mounts be made from this design? How about energy transfer couplings that need all ripples reduced in the transfer? Currently we use hydraulic or pneumatic coupling to smooth things out - can this be used for torque conversion for quite some time? Oh where will the questions end?
Can we use AI to invent warp drive and solve fusion with less mass than a star?
Treon Verdery
This technology could be utilized many places, including highway guardrails at the USA and the developing world.. Copilot says there were 1.19 million lethal motor vehicle accidents during 2022. (The developing world has >10 times more lethal vehicle accidents than the USA), Based on data from Microsoft CoPilot guardrails of various kinds decrease vehicle fatalities about 40%. That suggests that a new kind of superabsorbent, very lightweight, cheaper to manufacture guardrail based on the new, highest shock absorbing polymer (or metal) 3D shape could prevent another 9-11% of vehicle fatalities, or about 119,000 lives saved annually, and about 4400-4700 lives saved at the USA.
I perceive that the most shock absorbing shape could be made even more effective if midregion ribs are made part of the shape. also, doing computer modelling could rapidly characterize the next 24,000 iterations. If a computer model computes a form functionality every 24 hours, and cloud computing resources are utilized, 24,000 models can be solved at 72 hours with 8K simultaneous PC equivalents. this has an estimated $ amount of about $24,000.