There are a growing number of electronic cigarettes (e-cigs) with temperature control functionality, allowing a fool-proof way to avoid either the overheating of Propylene Glycol (PG) and Glycerine (VG), the common carrier liquids for nicotine and flavoring, or a "dry puff", where the wick becomes too dry to produce vapor, and simply burns instead.
Opposing sides in the debate about the safety of e-cigs appear to have reached a consensus on one thing – the temperature of the coil of the atomizer (which is heated to create vapor) is the difference between an e-cig being vastly safer than a cigarette, and… somewhat less vastly safer. (Although recent studies suggest that they potentially offer their own risks). In a boon for both camps, increasing numbers of devices with temperature control functionality allow a fool-proof way to avoid either condition without guess work or wishful thinking.
Evolv's DNA25 & DNA40 boards, and YiHi's SX350J board can be used with coils made from non-resistance wire, such as nickel, allowing it to read the temperature of the coil and cut off before reaching temperatures which are unsafe for the coil, wick or liquid.

Manufacturers including Hana Modz and Vapor Shark have devices on the market using Evolv's DNA40 board, and YiHi's SX Mini M class (based on its SX350J board) should be available worldwide soon after Chinese New Year.
Temperature-sensing coils are currently available for a range of popular clearomizers including the Aspire Nautilus and Kangertech Subtank, and the slightly more adventurous can build their own nickel coils for the countless rebuildable atomizers on the market.
These devices all sit at the high end of the market, coming in at or above US$189, though due to thriving competition (not to mention rampant cloning) Gizmag expects this technology to be widely available at much lower prices by the end of 2015.