June 28, 2007 This aerial image of Google’s corporate headquarters in Mountain View turned up in a press release this morning, pointing out that the 1.6 MW Google Solar "Campus" is now the largest commercial photovoltaic system in the United States. Take a look at the image in higher res and see if you had the same reaction we did. Google doesn’t smelt aluminum, cast large metal objects or refine petroleum – it’s activities are confined to a bunch of people quietly working away at computers. Recognising that Planet Earth is drowning in its own excrement no longer needs a PhD or an election and this is the largest photovoltaic system in the whole U.S.A.? It’s just not that big!
Anyway, getting down off the soapbox for a moment, and focussing on the positive aspects of the Solar Campus, it was designed and installed by EI Solutions of San Rafael, and comprises 9,212 208-watt modules supplied by Sharp. SatCon’s PowerGate inverters convert the sun’s energy produced by the photovoltaic panels into alternating current electricity that is used to power the facility.
The new system will spare the air nearly 3,637,627 lbs/year of harmful greenhouse gases annually.