Wellness & Healthy Living

Total Body Management system - the full body workout?

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June 5, 2007 There will always be a market for people who want the gain without the pain, and the weight loss and body image industry is the number one example. Much has been written on fad dieting and "quick fix" techniques for improved health, and the ubiquitous presence of such products on late night free-to-air television suggests that, effective or not, the demand for these products is not about to disappear. With this in mind we look at the latest developments from Dallas based MedSurge which has just released the Total Body Management system - a combination of body toning techniques that aim to circumvent some of the blood sweat and tears usually associated with attaining your ideal body image.

Targeting a female audience, the /future/perfect Total Body Management system is based on several technologies that purport to deliver "substantial fitness benefits with only light exertion". These include the utilization of infrared heat to help shed fat, acoustic wave therapy for firming and smoothing skin, a system that induces thousands of involuntary muscle contractions by transmitting high-frequency vibrations to the body and a no-needle form of Mesotherapy aimed at contouring specific areas.

These techniques alone are not entirely new but the system differentiates itself by offering these them as part of a complete package, enabling the client to choose which outcomes they aspire to and providing alternative approaches by which they can reach these targets. Refreshingly MedSurge promote the fact that their future/perfect technologies are part of a holistic system which incorporates nutritional guidance, motivational support and a monitored, customized diet plan for each individual.

The lure of a shortcut is still the common factor among these techniques. The infrared treatment called "Slimdome" involves the use of a machine similar to a tanning bed that is said to assist in burning calories at an accelerated rate, improve skin tone, reduce joint pain and inflammation, and increase circulation. The "Vybe" technique employing a mechanical vibration to mimic a targeted workout is perhaps the most familiar to late night TV audiences - in this case a machine similar to a personal gym is used to transmit vibrations that induce involuntary muscle contractions to achieve toning and improved bone density. Those seeking smooth skin rather than body toning are given the option of "Acoustic Wave Therapy", a method that is designed to vibrate the skin’s connective tissue in areas where cellulite commonly forms using either long pulse or short pulse sound waves.

The "Mesomassage" component of the therapy is perhaps the most divergent in respect to already available treatments. This is a form of electro-massage that promises to create "natural micro-pathways between tissue cells" into which fat-burning gels are massaged in order to promote a more sculpted body in specific areas, reduction of skin dimples, improved skin tone and enhanced cell circulation. This "no-needle" technique is at pains to differentiate itself from the traditional Mesotherapy - which uses injections to introduce fat-burning agents into the body and which has not attracted widespread support.

Developed in Europe in the 1950's and still widely used, Mesotherapy is billed as a non-surgical alternative to liposuction that targets problem areas with micro-injections of conventional or homeopathic medicines, vitamins, minerals and amino acids with the aim of delivering these substances directly into the mesoderm (middle layer of skin). Commentators are wary of the technique given the lack of evidence supporting its safety or effectiveness and no drug is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for use in this way.

Whether you subscribe to the benefits of these techniques for improving health and body image there is no escaping the fact that the demand for a "quick-fix" is huge. Nearly 11 million cosmetic plastic surgery procedures were performed in the United States in 2006 alone.

Further reading on the Total Body Management Center can be found at www.futureperfect.com

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