
TrailNest elevates hammocks to the car roof top

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The type of treeless environment that inspired the TrailNest brand and stand 
A roof-top sunset courtesy of TrailNest
Two hammocks dressed up in light
TrailNest says that views like this are what a roof-top hammock stand is all about
Whether you're sleeping the night or just relaxing, lying around enjoying this kind of view isn't a bad life
The type of treeless environment that inspired the TrailNest brand and stand 
TrailNest at a more official campsite
The double-hammock TrailNest includes two stands and a built-in floor
The available ladder helps you climb up to your TrailNest
Another great roof-top view
The view from the ground wouldn't be all that bad, either, but a photo of someone sitting in a camp chair just wouldn't be quite as dramatic
A different type of campsite and view
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We've seen hammocks on car hitches and in pickup beds, and now they've climbed up to the roof. TrailNest has designed a collapsible roof-top hammock stand that lets you string up a hammock, leap atop your vehicle and enjoy whatever view you drove to enjoy. Mount up two stands and your significant other can get in on the fun too.

From camper vans to roof-top tents, vehicle camping is pretty trendy right now. New Atlas thoroughly enjoyed roof-top tent camping on our trip with Tepui last month, and we'd be lying if we said that roof-top hammocking doesn't have us intrigued. TrailNest makes it fairly easy to give it a try with its hammock stands securing to the vehicle roof rails and offering dual collapsible arms for stringing up the hammock of your choice.

So why the heck would you want to lounge or sleep in a hammock on top of your car instead of in the trees? Well, the main reason is sometimes there are no trees – think deserts, above-tree line mountaintops, snow fields, etc. Actually, no need to even think, just look at the photo up top.

A lack of trees doesn't mean that you have to make the leap to the roof, as you could use a ground stand, but TrailNest advertises another big pro: boosting you up to a higher vantage point for bigger, wider views than you'd get from the ground. And the company's done a good job of driving that point home with the photos it's snapped during field testing.

The view from the ground wouldn't be all that bad, either, but a photo of someone sitting in a camp chair just wouldn't be quite as dramatic

The basic, 40-lb (18-kg) single-hammock TrailNest stand runs US$349, but if you're worrying about denting and buckling your roof, TrailNest also offers 60-lb (27-kg), single-hammock ($469) and 107-lb (48.5-kg), double-hammock ($839) stands with integrated floors. The floor models double as roof racks during driving and each hammock will hold up to 250 lb (113.4 kg). TrailNest also sells a $99 telescoping ladder and has plans to add a rain fly.

Source: TrailNest

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That's just about the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen. Expect broken bones if not fatalities.
That looks like loads of fun up there in the breeze, but there are two things wrong with it. First, a fall out of that hammock would most probably kill you, or break your leg/arm upon landing. Second, a dual hammock and ladder will cost $938, damnear a GRAND? Rotsa ruck. OK, I thought of a third thing: It may collapse your drip rail or you will dent your roof getting in and out of the hammock, ruining any possible resale value for the vehicle.