When venturing out into the great outdoors, items that might come in handy include some form of shelter, something to cover the ground and somewhere to put the feet up. Outdoor gear company Range Travel Goods has looked to lighten the load for adventurers, stuffing all three into one versatile little package that can be unfurled for use in rain, hail or shine.
Treeo is described as the Swiss Army knife of hammocks by its creators, with the ability to be converted into a rain tarp, hammock or ground cloth within a few seconds. The key to this is a so-called Quick Draw Cord system, which works in a similar way to those simple drawstring backpacks that can be quickly closed up by tugging on the strings.
Pulling the cords tight at each end turns the Treeo tarp it into a hammock, with the leftover rope hooked up to a separate strap and carabiner and wrapped around a tree. As a hammock, it can hold up to 500 lb (226 kg). By pulling these cords apart and stretching the ends out, the Treeo can also be laid down as a blanket, with stakes pinning down the corners. And then in the same form, guy lines can be used to hang the Treeo overhead to provide shelter from the sun or rain.

The Treeo measures 7.5 by 9 ft (2.3 x 2.7 m) when laid out and is made from ripstop nylon, with triple stitching and taped seams to help avoid rips and tears. There is a little stuff bag attached to zip away valuables, and the tree straps, stakes, carabiners and guy lines are all included.
Treeo comes in green, black, yellow and red and is currently the subject of a Kickstarter campaign. Looking to raise US$18,000 in funds, Range Travel Goods has already amassed more than $40,000 in funding, with pledges of $75 still available. Shipping is slated for December 2017 if all goes to plan.
You can check out the pitch video below.
Source: Kickstarter