Urban Transport

Uber can now take you to your contacts

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Uber users can now set friends in their contact list as their destination
Uber users will be able to search for a contact in the app's "Where to?" box, rather than just a location
Uber users can now set friends in their contact list as their destination

Fresh from making it easier to spot your ride, Uber is now making it easier to get to the people you're actually off to meet. The ride-sharing service will now let users book rides to a location based on the reliable accuracy of a friend's phone, rather than their not always dependable directions.

The feature is being pushed to Uber's newly designed app, which it began rolling out in November with the stated aim of getting people to their destinations "as fast as possible." As the company points out, taking a passenger to a person rather than a place could help to do just that.

Users will first need to sync their contacts with the updated Uber app. Once that's done, they'll be able to search for a contact in the app's "Where to?" box, rather than just a location. When a contact is selected, they'll be sent a request to provide their current location using their phone's GPS. If they accept, the location will then be used as the destination of the user's ride.

Assuming that's all gone off without a hitch and the user is on their way, Uber will send an estimated time of arrival to the contact and provide updates during the journey.

The video below provides an introduction to the new feature, which is being rolled out now.

Source: Uber

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