Good Thinking

Vertical bed supports street sleeping

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The Vertical Bed can support a person's body weight by simply fixing the two base legs to a subway ventilation grate (Photo: Substitute Materials)
The Vertical Bed can support a person's body weight by simply fixing the two base legs to a subway ventilation grate (Photo: Substitute Materials)
Vertical Bed folds into a portable briefcase (Photo: Substitute Materials)
Vertical Bed allows a person to sleep in a standing position (Photo: Substitute Materials)
The Caloris Basin at Rokeby farms in upstate New York (Photo: Substitute Materials)
The first Caloris Basin workshop, with Sweatshop and Cooperativa Organica in Tijuana (Photo: Substitute Materials)
The Caloris Basin is a new way to concentrate sunlight (Photo: Substitute Materials)
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Brooklyn based inventor Jamie O'Shea has created the Vertical Bed, which is exactly that- a "bed" that will allow you to sleep vertically. Whilst the awkward contraption doesn't look as comfy as what we might imagine a bed to be, it does logistically allow a person to sleep in a standing position ... and no, we're not sure why either.

The Vertical Bed can support a person's body weight by simply fixing the two base legs to a subway ventilation grate. I am not too sure how many people would be willing to take a nap in the middle of a busy street, but if you are someone who is partial to stand-up kips in public places, you'll be happy to learn that the bed easily folds into a portable briefcase. The kit also comes with noise-cancelling headphones, opaque sunglasses, and free standing umbrella. To demonstrate that the bed does actually work, O'Shea tested it out on Broadway and 33rd Street in New York for a 40 minute nap at 6:00 pm, then repeated at four hour intervals.

Vertical Bed folds into a portable briefcase (Photo: Substitute Materials)

When not sleeping in the street, O'Shea works on designing semantic (study of meaning) machines. He is currently working on the Caloris Basin, a new way to concentrate sunlight. The basin uses inexpensive materials to produce temperatures high enough to cook food or boil water. The project is in collaboration with Ezer Lichtenstein and Bjorn Quenemoen and a working basin can be found at Rokeby farms in upstate New York.

The Vertical Bed is currently not available for purchase - too small a niche perhaps?

Via Gizmodo

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\"Sleeping on the job\", \"Congress\" and the \"European Parliament\" come instantly to mind.
Mr Stiffy
Blood clots and varicose veins come to mind.
Great for the airline industry! more kettle can be stored vertically!
Ben Crumpacker
In old Scotland, men slept semi upright on slanted boards, their weapons at hand because night attacks and treachery were common.
Barry Gillies
Getting mugged and stabbed is foremost on my mind :-)
Waiting in line for that latest iPhone.
Well, at somebody\'s preparing for overpopulation....
Kirill Belousov
one thing is the fact the you have to care this bag with you all the time as well as puting this suit on must be a slight pain in the butt... Not sure if this is any use...
Richard DelPivo
Sleeping in a vertical position is claimed to reduce the symptoms of sleep apnea. I tried this in a sitting position but kept falling over. I would be interested seeing if this works any better.
Leonard Form
Welcome to the the future of economy class flying.