Mobile Technology

Apple Maps inaccuracy draws widespread criticism

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Building at the University of Chicago look like they are melting on Apple's maps app
Significant issues have emerged concerning the accuracy and quality of Apple's new maps service
Users are forced to use the new service when they upgrade to iOS 6
Tacoma Narrows Bridge in Washington State as it appears in Apple's maps app
New Yorkers face a bupy ride on the Brooklyn Bridge according to Apple's maps app
Building at the University of Chicago look like they are melting on Apple's maps app
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As we noted in our iOS 6 overview last week, customers and critics have been up in arms over Apple's new maps application and the reports of inaccuracies and misplaced cities and towns continue to flow.

The software, which runs on the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch, was created using data from navigation firm TomTom, and replaces the popular Google Maps service. Once users upgrade to iOS 6 (or purchase the new iPhone 5), they are effectively forced to use Apple maps. There is currently no Google Maps app available in the App Store.

In the most severe examples of inaccuracy, Apple's new software has been found to be unable to locate entire towns or places destinations in entirely incorrect locations. Users have also reported landmarks such as museums appearing in the middle of rivers, and entire areas of satellite imagery being obscured by cloud cover.

New Yorkers face a bupy ride on the Brooklyn Bridge according to Apple's maps app

Apple's response to the situation has been somewhat muted. "We launched this new map service knowing that it is a major initiative and we are just getting started with it," Apple spokeswoman Trudy Muller told AllThingsD. "We are continuously improving it, and as Maps is a cloud-based solution, the more people use it, the better it will get.”

The Maps issue has certainly struck a chord with iOS users and this is not the last we'll hear of what many are now cleverly referring to as the “Navigate” scandal. While Google’s Maps is still available using Safari, we'll have to wait and see on the appearance of a dedicated Google Maps App as well as any updates Apple makes to its service.

Source: BBC

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Joel Detrow
Just goes to show that this was a stupid move on their part. What they should have done was not even announced they were dropping Google Maps until their own solution was actually working.
Apple rushed a beta version of the maps to the masses. Chalk up a gigantic miss on the scoreboard.
Toffe Carling
I think with the main innovator at Apple gone, its glory days are but gone. If a company is busy suing every one else its just saying that it don't have any thing new. Just trying to save the old. Well I am not very sad over Apple in this. They been too big bullies.
"We are continuously improving it, and as Maps is a cloud-based solution, the more people use it, the better it will get.”
This quote explains why people are seeing clouds instead of cities. Arrogant Apple strikes again.
Upgrades are for improvements, taking away functionality is a slap in the face of the consumer. Still lost me Apple.
Peter Fischer
As the Daoist say: it´s all about Yin and Yang. With every decision you make, you have to ask yourself: are you moving towards life or are you moving towards death. I think apple just moved one step towards death. First Mountain Lion, now iOS6. Just shove a raw product down the masses throat and use them as Betas. Mac was always expensive but usually published reasonably "finished" software. The behaviour we´re seeing right now (Computer freezes, unmounts HD, looses WLAN, after update as with ML - yes even after 10.8.2 - on my MBP etc.) was formely only attributed to Windows. For Jon Dough the difference between the 2 are diminishing. When Apple goes on like this, why should he spend all that money on a system that does not hold its promis - you can buy MS and have that cheaper (besides it´s a long time I had problems through an update on my WIN7 machine). But as a Poweruser, what´s left? Linux? Solaris? For me: I´m sticking with Lion until I absolutely have to upgrade. And then I´ll put a Linux System on my MBP. So all you apple investors out there: sell your stocks! :-)
Steve Jobs must be grimacing in his grave.
DR. Fickes
I just assumed the Apple planes are using the Panorama option to snap these photos. It's pretty tricky getting 100% smooth panos.
Kathleen Andrade
I haven't had any problems with Maps...yet. But then I've only been traveling around Chicago. I've been impressed with it so far. However, given all of the comments, I'll keep my Garmin.
Kay Van Cleave
I used Google Maps to look at properties to help people with their property tax protests. Now that is gone on IPad. I also looked at YouTube videos to use in a blog I do. To just dump this off with no options or choices or announcements has ruined my love of Apple. Another thing I don't get is why I can't run some Adobe Flash moving graphics on iPad. I am still having to go back to my PC again to fill in for some mess Apple has with other companies. Bah!