
Kinky towers strike a ballet pose in the sky

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Bond Tower is currently under construction in Tirana, Albania
Bond Tower is currently under construction in Tirana, Albania
Bond Tower is part of a massive development boom in Tirana at the moment
Bond Tower's tallest tower will consist of 50 floors
Bond Tower will include residential space, as well as some office, commercial, and hotel space
Bond Tower's extraordinary form is intended to resemble the plié ballet pose
Bond Tower's apartments will extend living space with balconies
Bond Tower's patterned facade is inspired by traditional Albanian carpets
Bond Tower will include landscaping that incorporates native/local plants and trees
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OODA is certainly no stranger to designing unusual buildings, however its latest project ramps up the ambition considerably. Named Bond Tower, it takes the form of a pair of skyscrapers that have kinks in them, forming a shape likened to an oversized ballet pose.

Bringing to mind New York City's "dancing" American Copper Buildings, the Bond Tower is a mixed-use residential project that will be located in Tirana, the capital of Albania. Its singular name comes from the fact that though each tower has its own central core, the two towers unify into one larger structure as they rise. Indeed, the firm actually considers it a single building.

There's no information yet on the exact height of the project, but the taller tower will consist of 50 floors, so it will be a bona fide skyscraper, albeit not a huge one. The patterned facade is inspired by traditional Albanian carpets, as well as the surrounding mountains and countryside, with greenery incorporated into the landscaping and rooftop terraces that will be made up of native flora.

The interior will feature retail spaces and offices on the lower floors, with hotel space above this and then all the uppermost floors dedicated to apartments. These will boost floorspace with balconies.

Bond Tower's apartments will extend living space with balconies

"Characterized by two interconnected volumes of different heights that meet in a plié in the urban landscape, creating a silhouette reminiscent of the grace of a ballet, the interplay of these forms avoids the creation of a massive urban volume, giving the building an elegant and iconic presence," says OODA. "Inspired by the Albanian mountains, the public and green spaces integrated around the building are designed to encourage dialogue and enrich community life."

The Albanian capital of Tirana has undergone an incredible construction boom in recent years, including Tirana's Rock, the Pyramid of Tirana and the National Theatre of Albania. We've no word yet on when Bond Tower is expected to be completed but OODA says initial construction work has begun.

Source: OODA

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Lots of crud will collect in the sharp valley in front of those fifth and sixth-floor windows that look into each other. But yeah, the overall form looks sexy-cute and different.
Is there any point to these architectural gimmicks other than photos in architecture magazines?
I wonder how they handle the apartments where people are only a few yards away from their neighbors in the other tower. In addition to the obvious privacy issues, you know someone is going to want to be famous for daredeviltry.
I'm not sure that the apartments with windows separate but in close proximity to the other tower will have desirable views, except for peeping toms.
Marco McClean
The last two cigarets in the pack.
Fawlty Towers more like. I get nervous just looking at them, let alone considering buy a unit there, unless of course I was doing a British architectural comedy skit about groundless fears and gravity defying engineering.....