Sitting at an office desk all day, every day is generally considered to be bad for our health. Standing desks are here to get you on your feet while working, but the Dual Lift Standing Desk is designed to give your screen an extra lift as well.
Currently raising production funds over on Kickstarter, the Dual Lift Standing Desk comes from the Addington Company – a small furniture-making/supply business out of Saint Paul, Minnesota.
The idea here is to have a stylish work desk that you can sit at or raise up on motorized legs to a comfortable standing height. But instead of having your keyboard/mousing area on the same level as your computer monitor, the Dual Lift Standing Desk does exactly what it suggests – it can raise the rear portion of the desk higher to create a shelf that brings a screen to eye level without the need for additional risers or wobbly stands.
It's not a new idea, we featured a similar design back in 2016 called the Gaze Desk. This was also a Kickstarter, was successfully funded and was shipped out to all backers by early 2017 – but it doesn't appear to be on sale any more.

The Addington design has a more IKEA look to it, and the front of the monitor shelf is solid instead of open to prevent items falling over the edge when raised. There's hidden cable management underneath, along with a built-in surge-protected power strip, to prevent spaghetti insulting your eyes or tripping you up. The company has also included a couple of storage pouches to keep your desk space clear of clutter, and there's even a hanger for a pair of wireless (or wired if preferred) headphones.

You can set the desk so that both sections are flush, for one flat surface, as needed, and height is adjusted via an interface to the front – running from 28 inches high to 56 inches (71 - 142 cm), and all points inbetween. The controls also have two preset slots available for storing frequently used height profiles. If pressure sensors detect an obstacle during operation, the motors will stop to prevent damage.
The Dual Lift Standing Desk is 48 inches wide (122 cm) and 24 inches in depth (61 cm), which is split between the 9-inch rear section and the 15-inch front part. It's reported capable of handling gear up top to a total of 88 lb (40 kg).
Kickstarter pledges currently start at US$529, which represents a saving of 47% on the expected retail price. The usual crowdfunding cautions apply, but if all goes to plan with the already-funded campaign, shipping is estimated to start from July. The video below has more.
Source: Addington Company