Two years ago Reekon Tools introduced its M1 Caliber tool, which added digital measurement functionality to existing power saws. The company is now offering that same tech in a stand-alone tape measure, called the T1 Tomahawk.
Currently the subject of a Kickstarter campaign, the T1 does still feature a replaceable analog metal tape. As that tape is pulled out or retracted, however, an OLED screen on top of the T1 additionally displays the measured length in the user's choice of imperial or metric.
Pressing a button beside that screen causes the measurement to be saved, and displayed on an e-ink screen on the side of the device. Multiple measurements can be recorded in this fashion, appearing in a scrollable list on that side screen. They can additionally be stored and shared via an iOS/Android app on a Bluetooth-linked smartphone or tablet.
For taking inside measurements – such as the interior width of a doorway – the T1 can be set to add its own body length to the total figure. It can also project a green laser line running perpendicular to the point at which it measures the tape length, so the measurement point can be lined up with a target (such as a doorknob or a pipe) which is off to one side.

Additional features include a built-in pen/pencil holder for marking cut points, along with the ability to make a series of incremental measurements, zeroing the OLED counter between each one instead of having to keep dividing a running total figure.
The T1 itself weighs 1.69 lb (767 g), has a glass-filled nylon body encased in impact-rated polyurethane ribs, and is capable of measuring up to a maximum length of 25 ft (7.6 m). It's also claimed to be accurate to within one 32nd of an inch, with one charge of its removable lithium battery reportedly being good for over 15 hours of use.
Assuming the T1 Tomahawk Digital Tape Measure reaches production, a pledge of US$189 will get you one – the planned retail price is $260. It's demonstrated in the following video.
Sources: Kickstarter, Reekon Tools