
Avis Magica skyscraper concept features vertical aquarium

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The Avis Magica skyscraper concept (Image: Alex Sandulescu)
Avis Magica is Latin for Magic Bird (Image: Alex Sandulescu)
The Avis Magica skyscraper concept (Image: Alex Sandulescu)
Avis Magica is envisioned for construction in Miami (Image: Alex Sandulescu)
The design features a museum, an outdoor concert stage, and a 120-m (4,000-ft) vertical aquarium (Image: Alex Sandulescu)
The aquarium would be fed directly from the nearby ocean (Image: Alex Sandulescu)
The building would be the tallest in the vicinity (Image: Alex Sandulescu)
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Bucharest-based architectural studio Amarada has unveiled a new skyscraper concept. Dubbed Avis Magica, the futuristic building features a vertical aquarium, and produces its own electricity via novel wind-harnessing "feathers."

The name Avis Magica (Latin for "Magic Bird") relates to both the building's avian theme and Miami's nickname of the "Magic City." Designed for the DawnTown Landmark Miami competition, if built it would be the tallest structure in the local vicinity, at a height of 335 m (1100 ft).

Avis Magica sports a museum, an outdoor concert stage, and a 120-m (400-ft) vertical aquarium filled with marine life which is fed by the nearby ocean. There's also observation decks, and a series of artificial islands with birds and extensive vegetation.

Avis Magica is Latin for Magic Bird (Image: Alex Sandulescu)

Amarada's vision for electricity and water production calls for artificially-created on-demand rain clouds to be created somehow – exactly how isn't clear – and what are referred to as feathers, which vibrate with the wind, producing electricity as a result (perhaps not unlike the piezoelectric fibers on the Strawscraper concept).

With its sizable aquarium and extensive vegetation, Amarada reports the skyscraper would act as an "oxygen tank" for the entire city, though it's probably best you don't hold your breath waiting for it to be built ...

Source: Behance via Inhabitat

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Tower of Nod !
Louis Erasmus
Its a beautiful concept - but its the last paragraph that put a smile on my face :-)
Just what we need...another ego driven skyscraper that has no relevance to urbanity, the quality of life or true relationship to the natural environment of Miami, It appears to consume 6 or 7 city blocks and from your post it chock full of pie in the sky what ifs and technological wishes highlighted by a vertical aquarium that will suck the life out of the bay so that it can become vertical....which the bay is distinctly not. What grass and "Oxygen tank for the city" off set by massive electrical usage to suck up, hold back and heat and cool the vertical aquarium.
Is it by coincidence that the "Fish-N-Flush" toilet is displayed on the same page. I prefer the toilet.
Novel, the designer took a woman's high heel shoe, turned it up side down and declared it a vertical aquarium!
Alexander Lowe
The shape puts me in mind of a banana. Or something else... Freudian slip into architectural concept? Skyscraper-envy?