While you could just lock your ebike to a signpost or rack, wouldn't it be nice to park it someplace where it got recharged, and you could store your gear? HAVN was designed to serve those purposes.
Created by Belgian company Street Waves, each HAVN ebike-parking unit consists of a lidded 55-liter (14.5-gal) stainless steel rectangular box, with one raised horizontal steel bracket at the top, and another extending out from the bottom.
When a bike is leaned against the unit, its top tube rests against the top bracket – a strip of wood on the face of the bracket protects the bike's paint from scratches. The lower bracket holds the bike's front wheel in place, so it points forward instead of flopping over to one side.

Before locking their bike up, the user opens the HAVN's lid, then stows their helmet, gloves, jacket and other cycling gear inside. As an added bonus, a mirror on the inside of the lid lets them check if they've got "helmet hair." They then close the lid, and run their lock through holes in both it and the main body of the unit, and around their bike's top tube. In this way, both the bicycle and the lid are secured using the one lock. The unit itself is anchored to the street surface.
Additionally, if the HAVN is wired into the local electrical system, the user can plug their ebike's battery charger into its integrated socket for recharging.
Interested businesses or municipalities can inquire for pricing information via the company website, linked below.
Source: Street Waves via Bicitech