
The world’s largest living thing is showing signs of breaking up

The world’s largest living thing is showing signs of breaking up
Covering 43 hectares, the forest shares a single root system with each tree genetically identical to one another
Covering 43 hectares, the forest shares a single root system with each tree genetically identical to one another
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Covering 43 hectares, the forest shares a single root system with each tree genetically identical to one another
Covering 43 hectares, the forest shares a single root system with each tree genetically identical to one another

An ecologist from Utah State University is warning one of the world’s largest living things, a colony of genetically identical trees sharing a single root system, is in danger of breaking up into several distinct parts, for the first time in its long history.

Dubbed Pando, this unique colony of aspen trees was first suspected to be something out of the ordinary in the mid-1970s. Subsequent genetic testing over the following years revealed each tree in the 100-acre (40.5-ha) colony to be clones of one another, meaning they likely shared a single gigantic underground root system.

Clonal groups of these kinds of trees are not uncommon, but Pando’s sheer scale and age make it one of the most unique organisms on the planet. While its individual trees (referred to as stems) generally only live for around 100 years, Pando’s overall root system has been estimated to be around 10,000 years old.

Pando is widely regarded as the world’s largest living organism in terms of gross biomass. It has been estimated to weigh around 6,000 metric tons. In terms of area, the world’s largest living thing was recently found to be a massive meadow of seagrass off the coast of Australia.

Ecologist Paul Rogers has been studying Pando for years. In 2017, he co-authored a study investigating the effects of modern forest management processes for the organism. At that time, Rogers suggested Pando could be under threat because human and animal encroachments were threatening its ability to produce new stems.

A subsequent study in 2018 found fencing off certain areas could be an effective way to preserve Pando’s ability to regenerate. However, in a new article Rogers is suggesting fencing may not be enough to save Pando as the massive root system is showing signs of breaking up into three distinct smaller entities.

According the Rogers, the main problem Pando faces is deer and cattle eating new stems before they can mature. This problem initially came about because humans over the past century had reduced predator populations of wolves and bears in the area.

So, while fencing seemed like a decent solution a few years ago, what has happened is that fences only initially covered around 50% of the root system. And now the organism is showing signs of three distinct ecological trajectories suggesting it could break up into a trio of separate systems.

“I think that if we try to save the organism with fences alone, we’ll find ourselves trying to create something like a zoo in the wild,” explained Rogers. “Although the fencing strategy is well-intentioned, we’ll ultimately need to address the underlying problems of too many browsing deer and cattle on this landscape.”

Rogers says protecting Pando is a relatively minor problem from a greater conservation perspective. But the story of Pando and its decline is a useful microcosm of the ways human encroachment can trigger ecosystem changes that cascade into larger problems.

“Pando is paradoxical: putatively earth's largest organism, it is small as conservation challenges go,” writes Rogers in a new study. “Lessons from Pando may be applied to struggling, often species rich, aspen systems facing similar challenges globally.”

The study was published in Conservation Science and Practice.

Source: Utah State University

Malcolm Jacks
These systems must be preserved, they may give us answers to things in the future that could be very beneficial.
I first found out about the largest living organism, single species mushroom, while attending Paul Stamets lecture in the early 1990s. There are far too many single species living bio mass larger than the one in this article to quote here. The current record holder, Armillaria ostoyae, at 2,384 acres is a type of honey mushroom, which is estimated to weight as much 35 thousand tons. That fungus is found in Oregon's Blue Mountains and is established to be as much as 8,650 years old. While I do know about single species trees growing from a common root system covering a lot of ground, there is one in my back yard, I didn’t know that Aspens also spread via the root system. So, thanks for the article.
fluke meter
I wonder what type of land this is on - seems if its public - ya why not protecting - if private some conservation group should offer to pay the owner some amount per year to preserve - the owner might be encouraged to consider it a value - draw higher price later - or eco tourism etc..
I don't see any need to protect it. It's not so much that it's a special genetic package than its location happened to keep it from changing. There will always be one biggest aspen grove. I consider its special status as equal to one of those 'Guinness Book of Records' holders for balancing the most number of goose eggs on your nose, or whatever other such silliness.
There are downsides to this huge clone. If a new infectious agent or invasive pest develops there, it would have a huge starting population to spread to other areas. Biodiversity is a good thing.