Good Thinking

Boomerope loops ropes over high objects

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The Boomerope is a device that allows a ground-based user to pass ropes over high objects such as tree branches
The Boomerope's control lines clamp onto a user-supplied boom pole
The Boomerope system in its carrying case
The Boomerope is a device that allows a ground-based user to pass ropes over high objects such as tree branches
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If you’ve ever tried to loop a rope over a high branch, girder, pole or whatnot without using a ladder, then you’ll know that it can be pretty frustrating. As with most frustrating tasks, however, someone has invented a gizmo to make it easier. That gizmo is the Boomerope.

The business end of the Boomerope consists of a pair of pincher-like arms (see picture above), that can be made to close together or separate by pulling on one of two lines that run down an attached boom pole to the user – one line is green, and one is red.

The Boomerope's control lines clamp onto a user-supplied boom pole

To use the device, you start by fastening a plastic shuttle to the end of your rope, and then plugging that shuttle into the end of one of the arms – which arm depends on which direction you want the rope to be passed, if it makes a difference.

You then lift the pole and extend it, so that the curved arms cradle the branch (or whatever it is) from below. Next, you pull on the green line to bring the ends of the arms together above the branch – this causes the rope/shuttle to be passed from one arm to the other. You then pull on the red line, which makes the arms separate again. Finally, with the rope now looped over the branch, you lower the apparatus back down, bringing the end of the rope with it.

The process is a little difficult to describe, but is well-illustrated in the video below.

The Boomerope comes with 25 feet (7.6 meters) of each type of line, and its arms can encircle objects up to ten inches (25 cm) in diameter. Users supply their own pole.

Its designers are currently gauging consumer interest in the product, and will be pricing it accordingly once it’s commercialized. Potential buyers are encouraged to make their interest known, via the Sign Up page on the first link below.

Source: Boomerope via Daily Planet

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I can see the point but I don't have enough trouble with that sort of thing for it to be worth finding a home for that thing.
TJ Leadens
Only time I have that problem is while hiking and setting up bear bags... and I would NOT be carrying that thing around in my pack, although it did give me some good ideas. Might just have to look up the patent for this.
Bruce H. Anderson
I can see this as a good tool for the trades (nurserymen, electricians, plumbers, data/phone cable installers). For most consumers its use would be too infrequent to justify a purchase.
Takes all the fun out of, 'i bet I get it this time'............
Jim Sadler
A fishing rod can get over a home or any reasonable branch at even higher heights. Take a spinning rod and tie a small bean bag on it and simply cast over the tree limb. Then tie the line to a rope and hoist it over the limb. A bow and arrow will also work well especially if there is no room to cast. Sending lines across attics is often done with a bow or slingshot. Put the fishing line through a sinker and use the slingshot to get across the suspended ceiling then pull a rope or cord across the span. All of these methods requite a tiny bit of skill but are easy, cheap and effective.
Joseph Boe
I agree with Jim above - I use my dog's tennisball tossing slingshot to fire line over tree branches to hang bird feeder out of reach of squirrels. This is overcomplicated.
That said, the use this thing provides is different - as shown in the video. Slingshots, bows, etc. can't effectively put the line around the trunk and bring it back to you.
David Bell
To whom can I address the ADA lawsuit? Red-Green colorblindness is as common as 10% of males...