Over the past few years, it seems almost impossible to even take a trip to the grocery store without bumping into dozens of QR codes - those square graphics that can be scanned with a smartphone camera to bring up all sorts of information. Now it appears a Seattle-based organization has found another place to put them: in your pants. In hopes of promoting safe sex, Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest distributed 55,000 condoms with QR codes that track when and where people make the beast with two backs through their website, WhereDidYouWearIt.com.
Mixing sex and Foursquare-like technology may seem a bit questionable, but the goal is to encourage condom usage and prevent STDs and unplanned pregnancies. The idea is to show that using condoms is commonplace and not something to be nervous about. Planned Parenthood has stated that it is definitely not trying to encourage or discourage sexual activity, only ensure that it is practiced safely.
Scanning the barcode on the condom wrapper will let a person upload their approximate location and a generalized, anonymous description of their *ahem* experience to the website. Each of these is tracked on a map at WhereDidYouWearIt.com, so anyone can see just how many people are using protection.

The website assures users that their exact address will not be shown; only a general area nearby. People are also only able to give sparse details in their descriptions by filling out a form that is then pieced together (for example, "A 20 something girl and a guy whose relationship is all about love and have already talked about safer sex and STDs used a condom in the bedroom with another birth control method.") Users can however rank their dirty deeds on a scale from "things can only improve from here" to "ah-maz-ing - rainbows exploded and mountains trembled."
Source: WhereDidYouWearIt.com via Planned Parenthood