For every truly groundbreaking concept there are a hundred others that should have stayed as smudges on a whiteboard. Since the flow of bad ideas never seems to end, New Atlas once again picks through the cream of the crap to highlight some more of the worst Kickstarters we’ve seen recently.
There are times when a 98 percent success rate is acceptable, but in the world of condoms that last two percent is worth striving for. Lelo, a notable purveyor of sex toys, wants to make (adult) playtime safer and more fun with a new, hexagon heavy condom design.
Scientists are having success with condoms made from a latex with added nanocellulose obtained from a native grass. Not only are they stronger than regular latex condoms, but they could be as thin as the diameter of a human hair.
Conscious that inserting one's USB charger into just any old public port might expose one's handheld to nasty malware, security outfit has come up with the USBCondom, a go-between device that creates a break between the data pins of your USB connector and those of the public USB port.
Scientist have created a dissolvable fabric that could be used by women for protection against unwanted pregnancies and HIV.
The One-Handed Condom was designed as an easy-open contraceptive for people with partial paralysis.
Condoms with QR codes track when and where people practice safe sex.
A promising new birth control method for men that's more easily reversible than vasectomy has been developed in India.
ScienceResearchers have developed a method for detecting condom lubricant in fingerprints left by sexual offenders.
Sensis has announced a new technology that gets condoms on faster, safer and cleaner - making them more effective, and crucially cutting down on the mood-killing awkwardness we're all familiar with.
February 18, 2007 In recognition of National Condom Week, a Washington retailer of sex products will sail a monster condom balloon the height of a two-story bui
December 13, 2006 Once likened to “taking a shower with a raincoat on”, the condom may be the safest method of protection during sex, but it significantly detra
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