
Dog walker dumbbells provide an upper body workout

The adjustable Dog Walker Dumbbells
The adjustable Dog Walker Dumbbells

Man’s best friends aren’t just great for companionship or security, they also provide an unavoidable excuse to go out and get some exercise. Anyone looking to maximize the health benefits of walking the family dog can now get an upper body workout with these adjustable weight Dog Walker Dumbbells.

The dumbbell set comprises two weighted handgrips to ensure both arms see some action. One handgrip has a retractable 16-foot leash with a three-way trigger for locking the leash at the desired length and quickly retracting it, while the second has a zippered nylon pouch to hold treats, small toys or a roll of 15 plastic bags (included) to clean up Fido’s business.

Both half-pound dumbbells have four additional half-pound weights that screw on to the handgrips to provide customizable weight training for each arm. They also feature soft urethane foam handles for easy gripping while working up a sweat cranking out high-repetition curls.

The Dog Walker Dumbbell set is available from Hammacher Schlemmer for US$59.95.

Via Oh Gizmo!.

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