Weight training can be an intimidating and time-consuming exercise, but studies have shown that even light strength-work can speed up weight loss, stave off muscle loss and improve sleep. Now, one clever system has made it not just simple but enjoyable.
The degree to which a diabetic’s blood sugar levels drop in response to physical activity depends on the exercise and gender, according to new research.
Exercise’s positive effect on depression is well-known, but not how it produces its anti-depressant effects. After reviewing a broad range of studies into how depression and physical activity affect motivation, researchers have now come up with a hypothesis.
While it's great to get a full gym workout, most people don't have the space or the money to put all that equipment in their home. The GymPad Bench is the latest product to offer a solution to that problem, by packing multiple exercise machines into one compact package.
For the first time, researchers have shown how a simple walking plan can deliver significant, long-lasting relief from recurring lower back pain. Until now, this common-sense activity has been seen as a something to include in treatment, not focus on.
It's no surprise that regular exercise can improve a variety of health metrics. But a new study shows that when you work out is as important as exercise itself, especially when it comes to controlling your blood sugar levels.
Next-gen anti-obesity drugs like injectable liraglutide, sold as Saxenda, deliver impressive results in the first 12 months. New research looks into what happens to those results once treatment stops.
A study has found that tai chi was more effective than aerobic exercise at lowering blood pressure in 18-to-65-year-olds with prehypertension, a condition that can progress to high blood pressure and other cardiovascular diseases.
Researchers have found that exercise releases dopamine, which produces a corresponding reduction in reaction time, and say that exercise could be an effective treatment for conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, where dopamine plays a key role.
Exercise is usually a good thing but for many long COVID patients it can often make their condition worse. Two new studies are shedding light on this counter-intuitive phenomenon, finding distinct physiological abnormalities in long COVID patients.
In 2023, researchers homed in on a variety of relatively small and simple lifestyle modifications that can positively impact human health. These are discoveries you can use right now to potentially boost your health, fight disease, and live longer.
A study found that interrupting prolonged sitting with intermittent half-squats improved blood flow to the brain and, with it, cognitive functioning and concentration. This simple exercise could be done at work or home to provide a brain boost.
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