
Fast-response gaming glove knows when you're about to click

The Impulse Neuro-Controller is claimed to register mouse-clicks up to 80 milliseconds sooner than would otherwise be possible
Brink Bionics
The Impulse Neuro-Controller is claimed to register mouse-clicks up to 80 milliseconds sooner than would otherwise be possible
Brink Bionics

In the world of fast-paced online gaming, every second of response time counts … in fact, make that every millisecond. The Impulse Neuro-Controller was designed with that in mind, as it detects mouse-clicks before they actually happen.

Created by Canadian startup Brink Bionics, the device is essentially a fingerless neoprene glove worn on the user's mousing hand. It incorporates four myoelectric sensors, one above each of the dorsal interossei muscles on the back of the hand – these muscles move the fingers.

According to the company, each muscle generates an electrical signal a split-second before it begins to contract. The corresponding sensor detects that signal, which is instantaneously processed by the Impulse software, resulting in a mouse-click signal being sent to the gaming computer.

This setup reportedly allows clicks to be registered up to 80 milliseconds sooner than is possible with conventional systems, which rely on the actual mechanical mouse-click. It can also differentiate between left and right clicks. The make and model of mouse is irrelevant, although the system is only compatible with PCs.

The Impulse Neuro-Controller was the subject of successful crowdfunding campaigns on both Kickstarter and Indiegogo – it's still available on the latter, as an In Demand product. Assuming it reaches production, a pledge of CAD$177 (about US$139) will get you one, in your choice of a left- or right-hand model. The planned retail price is CAD$215 (US$169).

It's demonstrated in the following video.

Source: Indiegogo

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1 comment
This could help some disabled people too.