There are a lot of portable grills on the market, but most are only portable if you happen to be traveling in your car. Grills light and convenient enough to carry on your person to a campsite, sports field or other off-the-beaten-path areas are a little rarer. This example, the Esbit BBQ Box charcoal grill, is designed to be small and light enough to take pretty much anywhere your feet can carry you.
Esbit knows a thing or two about lightweight cooking. The company was built around the concept of solid fuel tablets that make for some of the smallest, lightest backpacking stoves on the market. Its Solid Fuel Stove weighs just 11 grams.
While Esbit's charcoal grills are larger than its stoves, they make use of similar folding, steel design. Both models - the BBQ Box and BBQ Box XS - fold up into an accompanying carry case that you can carry on your shoulder or toss in a backpack. A separate nylon bag holds one portion of charcoal during travel. When you arrive, the rectangular package is unfolded to reveal a charcoal box and height-adjustable grill.

As you might have figured out, the BBQ Box XS is the smaller of the two grills. It folds down into a 2.6 x 6.1 x 9.6 in (65 x 155 x 245 mm) package that weighs about 3.2 lbs (1.45 kg). You can prefill the charcoal bag, slide it into the grill and carry the loaded grill with the included nylon shoulder bag - essentially everything you need to grill but the food and lighter. It has two different grill heights.
The larger standard BBQ Box weighs about 5.2 lbs (2.38 kg) and packs down to 3.5 x 9 x 12 inches (90 x 230 x 305 mm). When unfolded, it offers three separate grill heights. A stand accessory turns it into a full-height grill. Like the grill, the stand folds up and packs into an included carry sack.
Source: Esbit