
FlyKly aims to turn almost any bike into an electric motor-powered ride

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FlyKly's Smart Wheel makes pedaling a bicycle easier
Riding a bike using FlyKly's Smart Wheel
A cross section of the Smart Wheel's motor
FlyKly's Smart Wheel makes pedaling a bicycle easier
The Smart Wheel comes with the Smart Light, that charges phones
The Smart Light Makes it so users can pedal without sweating
Screenshots of the Smart Wheel app
The motor weighs 9 lb (4 kg)
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Electric bicycle wheels are coming to the masses, and they are coming from multiple sources. A few years ago we saw the Copenhagen Wheel, and now a similar product is making its way to market – the FlyKly Smart Wheel.

The Smart Wheel is designed to work on almost any bicycle. The 250W electric motor automatically kicks in when the user starts pedaling, and it stops when the user does. As is the case with conventional electric bikes, this allows riders to pedal with less effort.

The motor allows for a top speed of 20 mph (32 km/h) with a 30-mile (48-km) range. The whole wheel weighs in at 9 lb (4 kg), and will be available in 20, 26, and 29-inch sizes.

Aside from the actual motor, the wheel also comes with a mobile application that offers features like the ability to lock the motor, track it in the event that it is stolen, and set the top speed while riding.

FlyKly is seeking funding for its Smart Wheel on Kickstarter. It started with a modest US$100,000 goal, and it has already quadrupled that amount. Backers interested in getting a Smart Wheel will need to make a minimum pledge of $590. The company expects to deliver the wheel to backers in May of 2014.

The Kickstarter pitch video below provides more information on the Smart Wheel.

Sources: FlyKly, Kickstarter

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Hey Dave – I heard that a company called Superpedestrian is offering The Copenhagen Wheel after Thanksgiving. I noticed it on their Facebook page:
Anne Ominous
I really like the idea, BUT, I have two objections.
First, I'm no teenager, but I frequently go faster than 20 mph on my bicycle, WITHOUT a motor. Regulations or not, 20mph simply isn't fast enough.
Second, I live in a hilly area, and 250W is a non-starter. I'll consider buying when it hits an efficient 750W. 1000W is even better. Heck, I can already buy a 1000W Schwinn scooter that will POWER me up the hills without pedaling, for less money than this.
Mason Steele
"and they are coming from multiple sources. A few years ago we saw the Copenhagen Wheel, and now a similar product is making its way to market – the FlyKly Smart Wheel."
REMARKABLY similar! Were these two products developed concurrently? They're just too close for mere chance alone.
Let's see who's first to market. In the mean time, I'm going to check out the roster of Dyson award winners and see if there aren't any products that ... ahem... inspire me.
Anne Ominous
To clarify the above:
I don't like to be overly critical, but I keep seeing bicycle "solutions" on Gizmag that cost $3000-$5000, when I can frequently find existing products that do the same or more for a fraction of the price.
I'm all for improving the electric bicycle scene, but some of these prices are simply unrealistic. Unless of course you're a rich person and simply want to indulge in a fad.
Henry Van Campa
I am riding a recumbent trike and would not put motor to that. I would have a good excuse to do that but I rather exercise my feet which are not that strong, yet. I am actually an incomplete paraplegic who, despite doctors predictions, can walk and use a recumbent trike pedaling with my feet. The big hills just takes much longer. So I wonder about electrification of a perfectly good and very efficient human powered machine like a bicycle! Defeats the purpose.
Ah, the Green version of the late, unlamented BSA Winged Wheel...
Stuart Saunders
How is the resistance to immersion? Will it tolerate being dunked in fresh water? Or brackish or salt water?
Keith Reeder
Don't know where you're getting your pricing information from, Anne - but if you can get a 1000w Scwhinn for less than the price of this (which will be around $600), I reckon we all want to know about it..!
Luan To
When it comes to price, it is always "Suggested" Retail $ which is usually 2x than what is usually is...Hence, calm down. Nobody pays Suggested Retail price unless you are really desperate and want to be the 1st own one RIGHT NOW.
Keith, here's your under $600 Schwinn electric bike:
1) Bike = $158:
2) Motor Kit = $250:
3) Batteries = $95:
That's $503 total. For $600 you can have all that plus a good helmet, bell, headlight, front and rear flashing lights, speedometer, and a gel seat pad. So there!