Gizmo will be producing an Australian Innovation Special issue in May to co-incide with the forthcoming Australian Innovation Festival. We are currently compiling the Australian-focussed issue and would like to hear of any stories based around Australian invention and innovation,We're committed to an innovative approach at Gizmo - our business model has been recognised as highly innovative with the inaugural B2B Cafe Blackbox Innovation Award and there are a few top media commentators who think we've cracked the cross-media conundrum. That's our monthly visitor graph for at right. We're also currently negotiating licenses for the production of Gizmo in several overseas countries, so the concept is scalable.So please join with us and help us produce something worthwhile and inspirational for our Australian Innovation special.EditorialEditorial contributions and enquiries should be sent to Dave Anderson ( ) - please send initial contact and brief details via email - we will respond in short order.Advertising & SponsorshipMarketers wishing to enquire as to the advertising and sponsorship possibilities for the April/May/June period should speak to Mike Jenkins ( or direct on 0400 508 404) or Michael Hibbert ( or call direct on 0417 707 400).
Gizmo Special Australian Innovation Issue
Gizmo Special Australian Innovation Issue
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