
720-hp Global XRS 7200 6x6 expedition vehicle thunders into view

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The Action Mobil Global XRS 7200 at Düsseldorf Caravan Salon 2014 (photo: Messe Düsseldorf)
Action Mobil has upgraded the driver's cab
The Action Mobil Global XRS 7200 made a recent appearance at the Düsseldorf Caravan Salon
The Action Mobil Global XRS 7200 at Düsseldorf Caravan Salon 2014 (photo: Messe Düsseldorf)
Inside the Global XRS 7200
The interior includes a rear bedroom and central kitchen
The Action Mobil has two convertible dinette sets
The Action Mobil has two convertible dinette sets
In the rear bedroom
Action Mobil doesn't show the dinettes converted into beds, but they clearly have adjustable pedestals for the purpose
The 7200 is built on a six-wheeled MAN platform
Inside the Global XRS 7200
Inside the Global XRS 7200
Inside the Global XRS 7200
Looking out from the kitchen
The bathroom has a toilet with a soft-close lid and bidet
A pass-through doorway separates the camper from the driver's cab
The Global XRS 7200 includes a variety of storage and organization
The 7200 has stone surfaces and LED floor lighting
Preparing dinner in the Global XRS 7200
Inside the Global XRS 7200
The paneling and metal-trimmed porthole add to the interior's ambiance
A rear lift makes it easy to carry and access a bike
Inside the Global XRS 7200
Inside the Global XRS 7200
The Global XRS 7200 camper cabin is powered with a lithium-ion battery bank
The Global XRS 7200 features an entertainment package with 40-in HD TV
The kitchen includes a cooktop and steamer from Gaggenau
LED lighting keeps the interior illuminated at night
The design include a Bose audio system
Digital water tank monitoring
The 720-hp Action Mobil Global XRS 7200 at Düsseldorf Caravan Salon 2014 (photo: Messe Düsseldorf)
The Action Mobil Global XRS 7200 at Düsseldorf Caravan Salon 2014 (photo: Messe Düsseldorf)
The Action Mobil Global XRS 7200 at Düsseldorf Caravan Salon 2014 (photo: Messe Düsseldorf)
The Action Mobil Global XRS 7200 at Düsseldorf Caravan Salon 2014 (photo: Messe Düsseldorf)
The Action Mobil Global XRS 7200 at Düsseldorf Caravan Salon 2014 (photo: Messe Düsseldorf)
Action Mobils in their natural element
A private chef brings some comfort to the backcountry in the Desert Challenger expedition vehicle
Inside the Desert Challenger
The Desert Challenger
The Desert Challenger
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If the Earthroamer XV-LTS and Mercedes Zetros don't quite reach the level of luxury-meets-off-road-fortitude you're looking for, may we suggest the Action Mobil Global XRS 7200. This large expedition vehicle combines six driven wheels of off-road fury with a luxuriously appointed living pod that has the look of a chic city apartment. It brings comfort and style to the farthest stretches of desert, highest reaches of mountains and deepest sections of jungle. And it costs several times the average stationary home.

Action Mobil designs some of the world's most extreme all-terrain expedition vehicles out of its headquarters in the Austrian Alps. The company got started more than 35 years ago when founders Stefanie and Otfried Reitz, then advertising executives, were looking for a vehicle to travel in through Africa for a fashion photo shoot. They needed something rugged enough to navigate to photogenic backdrops of the veld but comfortable enough to keep fashion models prettied, smiling and camera-ready. Finding nothing suitable on the market, they developed their own, realizing along the way that there was a real market for such a design.

Fast forward to 2014 and the Global XRS 7200, a highlight of the recent Düsseldorf Caravan Salon. The large expedition vehicle has a grumbling 720-hp engine cranking its six wheels – that's more than double the horsepower of the aforementioned XV-LTS or Zetros. A central tire inflation system ensures that the tires are at the right pressure to effectively put all that power to use over the variable terrain below. Action Mobil's "Arctic Kit" keeps the truck running smoothly in cold weather.

The 18-ton 7200 is built atop a MAN chassis and measures 31.8 x 8.1 x 12.4 ft (L x W x H, 9.7 x 2.47 x 3.79 m), with its camper body occupying 23.6 feet (7.2 m) of that overall length. The all-terrain rover has dual 400-L (105.7-gal) diesel tanks toward the center of its wheelbase and 140-L (37-gal) black water and 250-L (66-gal) gray water tanks just forward of the fuel supply. Fresh water comes from the onboard 720-liter (190-gal) supply.

A rear lift makes it easy to carry and access a bike

Since an 18-ton truck-camper really limits one's maneuvering capabilities, Action Mobil offers a rear motorcycle lift. The hydraulically controlled rack lowers down to drop a much more nimble, two-wheeled form of transportation into the driver's hands.

As impressive as the ultra-rugged exterior is, the spacious, climate-controlled interior is arguably even more impressive due to a cozy, elegant look with rich, grained paneling; stone flooring, counters and tabletops; LED lighting and metal trim. The central kitchen area cooks up meals on its Gaggenau induction cooktop and steam oven. Food can be found in the single or dual 175-L (46.2-gal) refrigerators and single 150-L (39.6.-gal) freezer, all custom-insulated by Action Mobil. A Miele washer-dryer unit keeps the family's clothes fresh on extended journeys.

Inside the Global XRS 7200

Like virtually every other camper and RV out there, the Global XRS 7200 has a convertible dinette set that doubles as a bed. The design includes expanded sitting, eating and sleeping space via a second, smaller convertible dinette just forward of the rear, two-berth master suite.

Just behind the Alcantara-trimmed driver's cab, which accesses the camper by way of pass-through door, the bathroom houses a soft-closing bidet toilet, sink and shower. The remainder of the interior fills out with a generous amount of closet, cabinet and drawer space.

When you're spending days, weeks or months traveling on and off the grid, keeping entertained can be a real concern. The Global XRS 7200 covers its occupants with a 40-in HD TV, Apple TV media streamer, Bose audio system and multi-TB hard drive for storing multimedia content. It is also equipped with a satellite internet connection and wireless local area network.

The Global XRS 7200 features an entertainment package with 40-in HD TV

A 720Ah lithium-ion battery bank with 5,000-watt inverter keeps all electrical equipment up and running. The batteries are charged off the engine during driving, and a 1,440-watt roof-mounted solar array takes over when the 7200 is camped out.

Action Mobil does not list pricing information for its custom made expedition vehicles on its website, nor on the XRS 7200 information packet it sent us. The price was quoted at €850,000 (US$1.1 million) on a Caravan Salon video presentation, and we're sure it could quickly rise up over €1 million depending upon the equipment and options selected by the particular buyer.

The 7200 may look like an absolute monster to those not used to seeing expedition vehicles, but at Action Mobil it's just another model in a deep line of big, burly all-terrain motor homes – and not the largest model, either. The company describes its eight-wheeled Desert Challenger as the largest motor home in the world. In addition to around a dozen two-, three- and four-axle expedition models, it offers custom designs for specialized applications.

The Desert Challenger

If viewing our Global XRS 7200 photo gallery makes you wonder what Action Mobil vehicles look like in the wild, be sure to visit the "world gallery" on its website. It has some great shots of expeditions around the globe, all neatly organized on a world map.

Source: Action Mobil

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And who *wouldn't* want to spend give-or-take a million, top up the tanks (another ten grand?) and then bulldoze their way into deep wilderness, get stuck for lack of fuel, and abandon ship after running out of ammo and propane. Ahhh, the fun. And everybody meeting me as I follow a deer trail in this will just love me.
Facebook User
I love the concept of a 'go anywhere' vehicle that is impervious to just about anything all the while providing a very comfortable standard of living in the harshest of environments, and who wouldn't. I'm guessing that if you can afford one of these monsters then you're probably not too worried about the running costs but all the same... I don't like the interior at all, it is all very European and well I suppose it would be with what I consider to be a 'cheep' look, but for the money I would like a bit more luxury and for it to not feel like I had just walked into someones IKEA fantasy. All those sharp corners are too harsh for my tastes and worry me. I guess that you would need a special license to drive this thing?
Stephen N Russell
Hope they produce enough for demand Love to rent one & probe Brazil but need an amphib model Ideal for No Canada area & maybe So Pole. Chile, Africa to explore.
Apps for Search Rescue Rescue MedEvac supplies Ranger patrol? ( Africa, etc locales) Lifeguard Beach: carry equip to posts in remote locales Media Mobile Lab: archelogy etc? Tourism adventure
How do you find gas stations out in the boonies?
Everybody should get one of these, just think how much faster that we can screw up the environment with these and it just costs several times the average stationary home but who cares. A great way to show the world what an uncaring, and greedy consumer that you are.
So much for treading lightly. Anyone who buys such a vehicle should be ashamed. It absolutely separates the traveler from the environment, and adds to the destruction of such. How much CO2, particulates, sulfates, plants and animals destroyed in it's wake, erosion from it's tires, and the energy and materials used to build this decadent behemoth are produced or wasted to pamper the rich who can't go without air conditioning or a soft bed (actually, a camp air mattress is more comfy than a traditional spring mattress IMHO)? This is very much just a status symbol! It says, "#@$% you poor people!". If you can't handle the elements, don't leave your home. If you want to experience nature and don't know how to do so, hire the native population to help you enjoy it. Your trip will be far more memorable!
I will enjoy watching the One Percent joyfully and heartlessly rampage across the landscape, thrilling to the exhileration of commanding so much awsone power, knowing that the runiation of pristine, delicate habitat only amplifies the magnitude of their self righteous indulgence and entitlement. It's like the priveledge of dining on the delicacy of the very last member of an endangered species.
The hatred of the rich is just stupid. There are roads that you need a vehicle like this if they are going to take a mobile home over them. What is wrong with creature comforts while looking to see if you're doing any good with your donations to improve lives. And what is wrong with enjoying a vacation.
Agree with many of the comments here- its ridiculously over-sized for an overland vehicle (unless for open desert)
However, over 700 bhp on an 18 ton truck seems ridiculously overpowered- especially when you take into consideration 'torque multiplication' provided by the low range gearing that would be necessary on an off-roader. Bear in mind this is a very large diesel engine with vastly more torque than a 720bhp petrol engine would develop. This amount of power would be more appropriate on a Paris-Dakar type race truck rather than a recreational mobile home. Wonder how long it would be before the owner either tips the thing over or grinds the powertrain into swarf...
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Did anyone see the movie; Damnation Alley? It's a 1977 post-apocalyptic film ( about a couple of guys that set out across country in two Air Force built "Landmasters," giant 12-wheeled armored personnel carriers capable of climbing 60-degree inclines, etc... Well this new expedition vehicle reminds me of that movie.