Hobie, a name normally associated with lightweight catamarans, have added pedal-driven flippers to their enclosed hull kayak design enabling hands-free propulsion or the option of using all four appendages to drive the craft through the water. The sturdily constructed pedal/flipper mechanism operates like a penguin's fins - swinging laterally underneath the hull as you pedal to produce surprisingly fast forward momentum. Steering is via a hand-controlled rudder that can be retracted to the horizontal when not in use and the cockpit drains through scuppers as the kayak moves along. The SUV "Mirage Outback" model is designed for fishing and includes rod holders, storage compartments for diving tanks or cooler. Anchor system and a sail rig can also be added. Available in Australia at Great Outdoors Centre, the Mirage Outback costs AUS$2150 and the sail rig AUS$450. Phone 02 4421 4388 for more information.
Hobie Pedal Kayak

Hobie Pedal Kayak

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