February 5, 2007 Greg Kolodziejzyk set a world record for human powered vehicles last July when he pedalled his streamlined recumbent bike 650 miles in 24 hours. Now Greg is embarking on an even bigger adventure, first planning an attempt at the 24 hour human powered boat distance record and then following it up with an attempt at the Human powered Transatlantic record. Unlike most previous HPV Transatlantic attempts which have involved rowing (275 attempts, 273 by rowing, 176 successful, six deaths), Greg’s boat will be propeller-driven, though he’ll be after the same record which currently stands at Frenchman Emmanuel Coindre’s 42 days, 17 hours from Spain to Barbados. The 24 hour record stands at 168 km and Greg’s calculations from his 24 hour land record put him in with a very good chance of smashing it - he knows he can average between 100 to 110 watts output for 24 hours, which gives him a speed of 9 km/h in water in his new boat which should result in 216 km for 24 hours. Video here and excellent images with this story.
Human Powered Transatlantic Attempt

Human Powered Transatlantic Attempt

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