Mobile Technology

HeadsetPresenter – the EUR10 remote controller for your PC

HeadsetPresenter – the EUR10 remote controller for your PC
HeadsetPresenter – the EUR10 remote controller for your PC

February 16, 2009 If you have a Bluetooth headset for your mobile phone, HeadPresenter software can now turn that headset into a remote presentation tool for Microsoft Powerpoint, Google Presentations or Open Office Impress. Indeed, the just released V 3.0 of the EUR 10 (USD 12.85) HeadsetPresenter software can turn hardware you probably already own into a miniature remote controller for any Windows software, which can be very handy with f'rinstance, Media Player or iTunes. But wait, there's more! The new version incorporates voice recognition meaning you can combine speech and button control, and there's a Mac version imminent.

One of the first announcements of the Mobile World Congress opening today in Barcelona, HeadPresenter V 3.0 is certain to upstage many more important announcements simply because it is so relevant to so many people, and at just ten euro, enables existing hardware to do double duty as a remote controller for any Bluetooth-enabled Windows PC and soon, any Bluetooth-enabled Mac.

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