Just a fewmonths after being saved from bankruptcy, Horex has announced that the new VR6motorcycle will make its highly anticipated debut at the 66th InternationalMotor Show in Frankfurt on September 15.
In July, the newowner of Horex Motorcycles GmbH, 3C Carbon Group, unveiled two sketchesof the updated VR6 motorcycle that will mark the company’s return toproduction. Initial plans set the official presentation for November, but now proceedingshave been expedited.
Choosing anexhibition in its home country carries some symbolic value, as the German company wasfirst introduced to the world at the 1923 International Automobile andMotorcycle Exhibition in Berlin.

A second announcement from Horex will certainly come as a relief for the owners of theoriginal VR6 Roadster and Classic models sold from 2012 until 2014. The companyreports that as of early August the first spare part kits have been available toorder. There are three different kits on offer so far (those interested shouldrefer to Horex or its retailers’ network for more information). Parts that arenot included in these kits will be dealt with as "exceptional cases," givinghighest priority to those customers whose motorcycles cannot operate withoutthe missing spares.
Customershave been without comprehensive aftersales service since December 2014, when the company filedfor bankruptcy and laid off its staff. Thankfully things appear to begradually returning to normal.
Stay tunedto Gizmag for the Horex VR6 world premiere and every other new model launchfrom the Frankfurt Motor Show in a couple of weeks’ time.
Source: Horex