Bees are having a tough time at the moment, and it’s largely down to their relationship with us humans. Not only are they combating pollutants affecting the quality and color of their honey, but studies are also linking pesticide use to what is known as Colony Collapse Disorder. French architecture studio AtelierD has designed a pavilion for both bees and humans alike, that whimsically hopes to redress the delicate balance between the two species.
AtelierD’s 20 sq. mt. (215 sq. ft.) multi-use pavilion has been designed specifically with wild bees – as opposed to honey bees – in mind. Dubbed the K-abeilles Hotel, it is built from wood and features a wall of hexagonal compartments filled with material such as bricks, twigs, reeds, bark and hay to create refuge spaces for wild bees to inhabit. These micro-housings provide the honeycomb look and feel that is repeated through to the human side of the shelter.

The interior space is the human component of the "bee hotel," in which humans can sit on hexagonal benches while watching the bees at work – it is hoped that the K-abeilles Hotel will ultimately encourage a greater cohesion between man and nature.
The design was exhibited at the Muttersholtz Archi Festival last September, which showcases sustainable development and eco-tourism.