
Javelin Enters Service Four Months Early

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August 2, 2005 UK Javelin, developed and produced by the Raytheon/Lockheed Martin Javelin Joint Venture for the UK's Light Forces Anti-Tank Guided Weapon (LFATGW) program, has been declared operational four months ahead of schedule. The world's premier shoulder-fired anti-armor system, Javelin automatically guides itself to the target after launch, allowing the gunner to take cover and avoid counterfire. Soldiers or Marines can reposition immediately after firing, or reload inside 20 seconds to engage another threat. Using an arched top-attack profile, Javelin climbs above its target for improved visibility and then strikes where the armor is weakest. To fire, the gunner places a cursor over the selected target. The Javelin command launch unit then sends a lock-on-before-launch signal to the missile. With its soft launch design, Javelin can be safely fired from inside buildings or bunkers. Check out these video links of the Javelin proving how devastating it is in action.

JAVELIN 1 (4.2MB) - JAVELIN 2 (4.1MB) - JAVELIN 3 (2.9MB) - JAVELIN 4 (3.7MB) - JAVELIN 5 (4.1MB)

The announcement was made during a live-fire demonstration witnessed by industry and Ministry of Defense (MoD) officials at Warminster. Officials said the early In-Service Date (ISD) demonstrates the successful close working relationship on this venture between the U.S. Department of Defense and Army, the UK MoD, and the Javelin Joint Venture.

"Raytheon, Lockheed Martin and all of our UK team members have put tremendous effort into ensuring Javelin's smooth and rapid entry into service with the British Army and Royal Marines," said Michael Crisp, president, Javelin Joint Venture. "We have been totally customer-focused in this program. The Javelin system is already the world's leading medium range man-portable fire-and-forget multi-purpose system, and it brings superb new capabilities to the UK's armed forces."

"Warfighters depend upon Javelin's precision-strike capability," added Howard Weaver, vice president, Javelin Joint Venture, "We are committed to provide our UK customer with cost-effective, global support to ensure Javelin's continued mission success."

UK industry has been heavily involved in the Javelin program, bringing about £400m or $623 million into 14 companies throughout the country.

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