It's not uncommon for recreational cyclists to stop at a sidewalk cafe after a long ride, and sit outside near their bike while sipping their drink. While such situations don't necessarily call for a high-security lock, it still helps to have something that keeps thieves from just grabbing the bike and running with it. That's precisely what the Lazer Cappuccino helmet lock is intended to do.
To use the device, you run your helmet strap around your bike's frame and an adjacent object such as a railing, then snap the two ends of the strap's quick-release buckle into the Cappuccino. You then spin the combination dials around and it's locked, keeping the helmet strap buckle from being opened by anyone who doesn't know the combo.

Could someone just cut through your helmet strap? Yep. Could they pick the lock? Probably. Again, it's more just a means of letting opportunistic would-be thieves know that stealing the bike – whose owner is just a few feet away – will require some unwanted time and effort.
Lazer first introduced the Cappuccino about a year ago, although the company has recently launched a new promotional campaign. There's no official word on pricing, although a quick Googling indicates an average retail price of about US$20.
You can see a demo of the Cappuccino in the video below.
Source: Lazer via Bike Radar