
How to find the Phantom Armor in Breath of the Wild

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Shovel Knight, is that you?
There's new treasure to collect!
Highlight this mission.
Head to the ruins.
This book is the key to some new armor.
The Sacred Ground Ruins
Fly down from here...
What a lovely-looking game this is.
Magnesis it right out!
Boom! Armor!
Head for the garrison ruins next.
These things are fun to fight once you're prepared.
Float down!
A new sword.
This is a great shield.
100 rupees!
Yank it out.
New pants!
The proving grounds!
This might be too hard a fight for you.
No shame in being sneaky.
Try not to draw attention to yourself...
Now that you have the full set, see if that Lynel poses less of a challenge!
Shovel Knight, is that you?
The complete set.
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The first DLC pack for Breath of the Wild has just dropped, containing a number of new armor pieces. But this is BOTW, so they're not just handed to you – you're going to have to explore.

There's new treasure to collect!

A bandit named Misko has hidden treasure all over Hyrule. In this guide, we'll be focusing on the Phantom armor, taken from The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass on the DS.

Highlight this mission.

When you load up the game after purchasing and installing the DLC, bring up the side quest menu and set a waypoint for "EX Treasure: Phantasma." This will set a waypoint for the first objective on this quest, but after that you're on your own.

Head to the ruins.

Head to the waypoint and you'll find a destroyed building. Go in there to find...

This book is the key to some new armor.

...Misko's notes.

These notes contain tips for a few different masks and armor pieces, but here are the details for the Phantom suit:

"I hid the eight priceless relics I stole from Hyrule Castle in treasure chests...I shall write down their locations. -Misko
Armor worn by fierce phantoms, feared even by heroes, is hidden in the ruins of Hyrule Field. Find these pieces at a battleground where brave souls tested their ceremonial grounds where royal guards are honored...and at the ruins where the soldiers of Hyrule gathered."

These refer to the Coliseum Ruins, Hyrule Garrison Ruins, Sacred Ground Ruins.

The Sacred Ground Ruins

It's wise to tackle these in reverse order (which, incidentally, I did not do, which is why I am already wearing the Phantom helmet in the screens below). The Sacred Ground Ruins are right outside Hyrule Castle, and if you've been memory hunting, you've probably been there already. The spot is very easy to identify on the map because of the surrounding water.

What a lovely-looking game this is.

Warp to the nearest tower and paraglide in (don't worry too much about Guardians shooting at you from the air - they'll have a very hard time hitting you). There are other Guardians patrolling around, but there are spots to take cover if you get seen.

Magnesis it right out!

The chest is in the surrounding moat. You'll need to use magnesis on all of the chests planted by this first DLC pack, so pluck it from the water.

Boom! Armor!

Phantom Armor! This boosts your attack, and can't be replaced if you sell it... which is true of the whole set, actually.

Head for the garrison ruins next.

Next we're heading for the Hyrule Garrison Ruins, which you are less likely to have visited before (although if you have, the name of the place will be marked on your map when you zoom in). On the map above, I am standing in the ruins.

Float down!

As before, warp to Central Tower and float down in this direction. The Garrison is large, so it's fairly easy to spot.

These things are fun to fight once you're prepared.

There's a Guardian here, and he's a little harder to avoid than the ones near the sacred ground. You can be sneaky if you'd like, but chances are if you've been playing the game since launch you're pretty well equipped to take him down. Remember to deflect those lasers!

This is a great shield.

The advantage of taking down the Guardian is that the area is crawling with treasure, like this Knight's Shield...

A new sword.

....this rusty sword...

100 rupees!

...and a silver rupee. Have a good look around if you haven't before.

Yank it out.

On the outer edge of the garrison is a downed Guardian, which seems to have smashed right into a building. The chest is buried behind it, so go in there and grab it.

New pants!

Now you have the Greaves! Once again, don't sell these.

The proving grounds!

Finally, the Coliseum. This is south on your map, near the Outskirt Stables. It's also near the game's starting point, so if you're anything like me you stumbled in here early in the game and ran right out when you saw the fierce beasts in there. The chest is on the ground floor, which is, of course, protected by...

This might be too hard a fight for you.

...a Lynel. A particularly hard one, that shoots fire and has 5000HP. You can fight it, of course - in which case I'd advise dropping in from the top of the Coliseum and showering it in bomb arrows before you start just to make a dent in its HP, or...

No shame in being sneaky. can sneak your way in. The treasure is actually fairly near the entrance, and if you don't make yourself known to the Lynel it will leave you alone.

Try not to draw attention to yourself...

When you walk in, the treasure is to your right, behind a pillar, buried. Sneak behind the pillars here and pull it out. If you're having trouble finding it, remember that switching on Magnesis highlights objects you can grab.

Now that you have the full set, see if that Lynel poses less of a challenge!

There it is! The set is complete now. By the way, while you're here, the upper levels are full of less powerful enemies with awesome weapons - kill a few Lizalfos and take their Royal Shields!

The complete set.

Take the helmet off if you want Link to show reactions and emotions during cutscenes, otherwise enjoy the armor strength and attack boost of the Phantom set!

Need more hints? Check out the rest of our Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild game guides.

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