The latest of many standing desk solutions,Levit8 takes a simple approach to getting office workers on theirfeet. Currently the subject of a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter, the product ispriced low and comes in a unique, convenient form factor.
Standingdesks are certainly nothing new. We've seen many different solutionsdesigned to get people on their feet in the office, from adjustableproducts like the self-assembled, wooden Elevate, to quirkierproducts like the StorkStand, which turns office chairs into standingdesks.
Likeits competitors, the Levit8 is designed to tackle the negativeeffects of sitting at a desk for hours on end, and it does so via avery simple approach. Starting as a flat rectangle of rigid,water-repellent and stain-proof acrylic canvas, the product makes use of anorigami folding design to pop up and provide a raised surface on which to restyour notebook.

Thefolding process is simple and takes just a couple of seconds, and theproduct is available in small, medium and large sizes, with heights varying between 11.8 in (30 cm) and 17.7 in (45 cm). It might looklike a pretty basic option, but according to the company, it's prettysturdy, with the ability to deal with up to 23 lb (10 kg) of weight– equivalent to more than five 15-inch MacBook Pros.
Thefolding design makes the product pretty convenient, as you cancollapse it down and put it under your arm or in a bag, and itarrives as a complete unit, requiring zero assembly.
Theother thing that the Levit8 has going for it is its low cost. It's currently the subject of a crowdfunding campaign, and it'sdoing pretty well on that front, having hit a modest US$4,000funding goal in just a couple of days. You can secure a single Levit8 for $32, with the company planning to start shipping in June 2016. That might seem like a while to wait, but as this is a crowdfunding campaign, the product is still in the late prototyping phase, and isn't scheduled to go into full-scale production until March next year.
Sources:Levit8, Kickstarter