With an impressive array of onboard implements, there are plenty of jobs a Leatherman can be used for, but checking the health of a battery typically isn't one of them. A handy new attachment expands the purview of the popular multitool for this very task, cleverly using the conductivity of the stainless steel frame to offer voltage readings via built-in LEDs.
Called the Volty Bit, the attachment is a DC voltmeter compact enough to be carried on a keychain, offering readings of DC voltages between 2.5 and 30 VDC. It can do so using anything conductive to connect two points of an electrical circuit, but with a form factor similar to Leatherman bits, it is designed to slot straight into the handle where you might insert the screwdriver bits.

This means the tool can be opened and put in contact with the battery terminals, inducing a small load and revealing the battery's health via the LEDs. The voltmeter itself doesn't require batteries, and is said to offer accuracy to within 0.1 VDC.
Manufactured by Minneapolis-based outfit PC Poodle, the Volty Bit "should fit pretty much any Leatherman with a bit holder," according to the company. It says that some trimming may be required for a snug fit in some cases, however. The attachment is priced at US$25 and available for preorder via the company's website.
Source: PC Poodle